IIM-A controversy shows the limits to freedom of action
Placing the largest batch in its 10-year history, IIM-Udaipur saw 322 eligible candidates bag summer internship offers, with the highest stipend reaching Rs 3 lakh per annum
"Global recognition such as this motivates us to continue working towards our vision of promoting an internationally diverse learning experience," Seth said
Indian School of Business has been ranked as the number one B-School in India
IIM Ahmedabad has barely managed to remain in the top 50 institutes
In total, there are 12 Indian master's programmes featured in the series of QS business master's rankings
Concluded in July, IIM-A releases audited placement report
Candidates can check their result from the official website - mahacet.org and cetcell.mahacet.org
IIM Bangalore climbs six places to 27th rank, just ahead of ISB at 28th position
CAT 2019 appears a little easier than CAT 2018, with two sections being on the easier side, and one being tougher, says an expert
Registration for MAT 2019 December exam has started. Interested candidates can visit AIMA's official website mat.aima.in to apply
The CAT 2019 registration will begin on August 7, 2019, in the online mode from 10 am onwards
XAT examination 2020 will begin on January 5 (Sunday) from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
ATMA result 2019: Candidates who appeared for the AIMS ATMA 2019 can check their result on the official website, atmaaims.com. Here's what you must know
KMAT 2019 will be conducted on August 04, 2019 in paper-based test mode. KMAT scores are valid for admissions in more than 170 MBA colleges and over 55 MCA colleges
The OPENMAT Answer key 2019 will be available for two days from July 30 to 31, 2019 till 5 pm
KU degree results 2019: The results are out for all the annual semester exams for BA, B.Sc, LLB, LLM, BPharm, MBA, MCA, BTech and other courses offered at Kakatiya University
The full time two year MBA programmes in India are the most competitive ones, receiving an average of 40.3 applications per seat, said a new application trends survey from the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC).83 percent of programs reported receiving more applications in 2017, compared with 2016."Receiving an average of 40.3 applications per seat, the full-time two-year MBA programs located in India are the most competitive programs," said the survey. However, unlike their counterparts around the world, applicants to these (Indian) programmes generally have little to no previous work experience. Female applicants too are not very high for these Indian programmes. The survey findings show that female applicants represent a minority of the candidate pool at 38 per cent. This is when overall global findings show that most programme types have experienced an increase in the representation of women in the application pipeline. Women represented 42 percent of the total ...