Online food ordering and delivery platform Zomato on Friday said a penalty of Rs 1 lakh has been imposed on it and restaurant partner McDonald's by the District Consumer Dispute Redressal Forum, Jodhpur, for alleged wrongful delivery of non-vegetarian food in place of a vegetarian food order. The company is in the process of filing an appeal against the order, Zomato said in a regulatory filing. The District Consumer Dispute Redressal Forum (II) Jodhpur has imposed a monetary penalty of Rs 1 lakh for violation of Consumer Protection Act, 2019 on Zomato and McDonald's, the restaurant partner whose food was delivered through it, and awarded Rs 5,000 as cost of litigation, it said. "Both monetary penalty and cost of litigation are to be borne jointly and severally by Zomato and McDonald's," it added. Further, Zomato said it "is in the process of filing an appeal against the said order and based on the advice from its external counsels, Zomato believes it has a good case on merits." "
The change will not affect existing franchisees who are maintaining their current footprint or who buy a franchised location from another operator
Executives said that the deal will be formalised and announced by the end of next quarter
With this acquisition, Razorpay will get access to BillMe's client base of over 4,000 merchants
"We would like to bring to your notice that restaurants mostly in the Punjab-Chandigarh area where we are able to source adequate quantities, continue to serve tomatoes," the company said
The price of tomato has spiked across the country due to tight supplies caused by rainfall in many parts
Two 10-year-olds are among the 300 children who worked at a McDonald's restaurants with no or little pay, a Labor Department investigation of franchisees in Louisville, Kentucky, found. Agency investigators found more than 300 minors, including the 10-year-olds, were working illegally, the Labor Department said Tuesday. The franchisees were fined $212,000 in total. Louisville's Bauer Food LLC, which operates 10 McDonald's locations, employed 24 minors under the age of 16 to work more hours than legally permitted, the agency said. Among those were two 10-year-old children. The agency said the children sometimes worked as late as 2 a.m., but were not paid. Below the minimum age for employment, they prepared and distributed food orders, cleaned the store, worked at the drive-thru window and operated a register, the Labor Department said, adding that one child also was allowed to operate a deep fryer, which is prohibited task for workers under 16. Franchise owner-operator Sean Bauer sa
McDonald's closed its offices for a few days earlier this week to have career conversations with all corporate employees, including those being let go
McDonald's has more than 150,000 employees in corporate roles. About 70% of those employees are based outside the United States
A burger in India costs considerably less than peer economies
McDonald's CEO Chris Kempczinski has announced that layoffs are coming by April, as the global fast food chain aims to reduce costs and "free up resources to invest in growth"
There were 34 companies added to the segment in 2016
Westlife Foodworld, the master franchisee of McDonald's restaurants for West and South India, is looking for an almost three-fold jump in sales up to Rs 4,500 crore in the next five years by 2027, mainly on the back of network expansion, omnichannel approach, according to company officials. As part of network expansion, Westlife Foodworld will add around 300 McDonald's restaurants in the next five years, in which 60 per cent of the new stores are likely to be in the southern region and the rest in the western zone, said the company in its 'Vision 2027'. The company, which through its subsidiary Hardcastle Restaurants operates 337 McDonald's restaurants (as of September 30, 2022), has already commenced the work on the next 200 stores. "Westlife Foodworld's vision 2027 is strategic guidance for our road ahead. We see doubling our sales to (Rs) 40-45 billion in the next 5 years on the back of adding around 300 restaurants by 2027," said Westlife Foodworld Executive Director Akshay ...
The strong earnings were likely to intensify calls in Britain and the European Union to impose further windfall taxes on energy companies as governments struggle with soaring gas and power bills.
The economic concept, which describes consumers' sensitivity to prices, is a hot topic as inflation soars and executives fret about profits
Companies pulled back from Russia this spring after Moscow sent thousands of troops into Ukraine, in response to investor and public pressure
McDonald's has faced criticism from Black-owned franchises, some of whom have filed lawsuits alleging racial discrimination
A Paris court approved the settlement Thursday, the French national financial prosecutor's office said
Preliminary tallies showed shareholders backed all 12 of McDonald's directors and that Icahn's two nominees received approximately 1% of the vote, the company said.
Starbucks' stores are owned and operated by Alshaya Group, a Kuwait-based franchise operator