Capital markets regulator Sebi on Thursday levied fines totalling Rs 85 lakh on 10 entities for manipulating the share price of Millitoons Entertainment Ltd (MEL). The regulator imposed fines in the range of Rs 5-10 lakh on Preyashbhai Sathvara, Sejalben Prayashkumar Sathvara, Suresh Ramanlal Prajapati, Dharmeshbhai J Vaghela, Vijay Madhusudanbhai Koshti. Parmar Mukeshkumar, Mehulkumar Balvantbhai Tundiya, Harishkumar Sakariya, Rekhaben Harishbhai Sakariya and Mobonair Wireless were also fined by the market watchdog. The order came after Sebi carried out an investigation in the scrip of Millitoons Entertainment Ltd (now known as Colorchips New Media Ltd) during March-April 2018. The regulator found that Preyashbhai, Sejalben, Prajapati, Vaghela, Koshti, Mukeshkumar, Tundiya, Harishkumar and Rekhaben executed 97 synchronised trades which contributed 21.63 per cent of the market volume in the scrip of MEL at BSE. The trades were conducted during the investigation period and were ...
The hotels are under contract with well-established brands such as Holiday Inn