A two-and-a-half-year-old girl, who fell into a 300-foot borewell in Sehore district of Madhya Pradesh, was pulled out by rescuers on Thursday evening after more than 52 hours of efforts, but was declared dead at a hospital soon later, officials said. A police official said on the condition of anonymity that the girl already died in the borewell and when she was pulled out, her body was found decomposing. The girl - Srishti - had fallen into the borewell in Mungavali village around 1 pm on Tuesday. She was pulled out at 5.30 pm on Thursday and was rushed to the district hospital in an ambulance for a check-up, where she was declared dead, another official said. After the confirmation of her death, her body was sent for post-mortem, he said. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said on Wednesday that the girl was initially stuck at 40 feet in the borewell and slid down further to 100 feet due to vibrations of machines used in the rescue operation. An official from the site on Thursd
Dipendra Yadav, son of Akhilesh Yadav, a farmer, was brought out of the borewell around 10 pm and rushed to a hospital for a medical check-up.
A six-year-old boy, who fell into a 300-foot-deep borewell on Sunday, died though he was taken out of it after a seven-hour-long rescue operation at Khiala Bulanda village near Bairampur here
A mobile phone was lowered into the borewell to let the child hear the voice of his parents