By definition, the BMI has to be inaccurate if it classifies a wide range of top athletes as overweight
A powerful combination of photographs and comic book art is on display in a new graphic novel, Muhammad Ali, Kinshasa 1974
Novelty boxing matches have a long and colorful history
If you're done with endless TV re-runs of classic matches, Dhruv Munjal offers a choice of entertaining sports books to keep you going.
The repeated chant was "Bomaye, Ali", which, roughly translated from the local language, Lingala, went "Kill Him, Ali"
Ali, who died in 2016, was convicted of draft evasion in 1967 and sentenced to five years in prison
When Ali Jr. replied that he's Muslim, officers quizzed him about his religion and where he was born
Why Muhammad Ali mattered so much
Kevin Cosby, pastor of a Louisville church, likened Ali to such racial barrier-breakers as Jesse Owens, Rosa Parks and Jackie Robinson
His comments on sports and life will remain iconic for generations to come alongside the lore of his historic fights
The two-day funeral began on Thursday at the Freedom Hall arena
Reportedly, the tightened security is to ensure Ali's body is kept safe and the crowd can be controlled
Smith's portrayal of the legendary boxer in the 2001 brought him an Oscar nomination
The memorial service of Ali, born Cassius Marcellus Clay, will be followed by a private funeral on Friday
The noble nature of Frazier and Ali's rivalry in the ring masked an ugly feud, stoked by Ali, that was to leave Frazier nursing a grudge for decades
The veteran boxer's funeral will take place in his home town of Louisville, Kentucky on Friday
An exemplary sports legend, Ali was more than just the sum of his athletic gifts
I told you all, I was the greatest of all time: Ali
Ali played exhibition bouts in New Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai when he visited the country in 1980
Ali visited China in 1979 and then again in 1985