Non Banking Finance Company (NBFC) Muthoot Finance Ltd is expected to start its mutual funds business and vehicle finance business during this fiscal year as part of its plans to grow its non-gold loan portfolio gradually. The company is expecting its revenue to grow around 20 per cent during the current fiscal year, from the last year's 10 per cent growth."At present, almost 90 per cent of our portfolio is gold loan, with the rest coming from housing finance, microfinance and the Sri Lankan subsidiary. We are planning to bring the gold loan to 85 per cent by the end of this year and to 80 per cent during the next year," said George Alexander Muthoot, managing director of Muthoot Finance. He said that the effort is to grow the non-gold loan portfolio.The company has received in-principle approval to launch the asset management company and would be setting up the business in six months. At one point of time the company had a private placement debuntures of around Rs 120 billion, which .
The stock dipped 7% to Rs 389 in early morning trade after the company reported 8% decline its standalone revenue from financing segment at Rs 15.73 billion in March quarter.
Muthoot Finance Managing Director George Alexander Muthoot says the company is looking at options beyond gold loans
The company made reserves of Rs 1,571 crore as provision for NPAs or bad loans
Parent Muthoot Finance Board gives nod to infuse the money
Muthoot Finance said it will utilise the funds raised through this issue to lending activities of the company
Long term debt rating covers debt instruments of above one year
The stock surged nearly 7% to Rs 340, also its record high on the BSE in intra-day trade.
It had posted a net profit of Rs 183 crore in April-June 2015
The company's stock closed up 3.19% at Rs 318.65 on BSE
This will enable the company to diversify its investment products, said Muthoot Finance MD
The stock moved higher by 6% to Rs 270 on the BSE, extending its 18% rally in past one week.
The stock rallied 11% to Rs 239 after the company posted 61% YoY jump in profit at Rs 265 crore in Q4FY16.
The study was conducted by TRA Research