Markets regulator Sebi has asked the mutual fund industry to proactively conduct stress tests, a key component of risk management for the financial sector, which will help strengthen the ecosystem, its whole-time member Ananth Narayan Gopalakrishnan said on Friday. The regulator's stress testing emphasizes the need to assess and manage liquidity risks, especially in small and midcap equity schemes. Speaking at a mutual fund event, Gopalakrishnan highlighted the importance of modelling stress scenarios not just for individual schemes or fund houses but for the entire mutual fund ecosystem. "It is also important to model stress scenarios for the entire composite mutual fund ecosystem. I would strongly encourage the industry and AMFI to take the lead and proactively conduct objective and credible industry wide stress tests. themselves," Gopalakrishnan said. He also emphasized the need to find better ways to communicate the risks associated with different mutual fund schemes. The Sebi
In separate transactions on Friday, Quant Mutual Fund and a prominent investment firm Premji Invest adjusted their holdings in Indian companies.
Key additions were Hindustan Unilever, Nestle India, Adani Power, Zomato and Tata Consumer Products. Key reductions were ITC, Bharti Airtel, State Bank of India, Maruti Suzuki and Axis Bank
Eicher Motors, Hindustan Zinc, Havells India, Mankind Pharma, and Varun Beverages were the most sold in the large cap space.
The Assets Under Management for the large-cap equity category regained its peak, with assets totaling Rs 2,59,583 crore, as of June 2023. said Morningstar.
SIP flows, investments into debt funds remain buoyant
Mutual funds fail to carry high growth momentum of FY22 due to changed market conditions
The sharp spike in commission comes on the back of surge in the equity markets and sustained flows into equity MF schemes
Customers can avail instant loans of up to Rs 3 crore by pledging their equity and debt MF holdings on a mobile app
In February 2020, the broking company had applied for the AMC license
The month-end assets under management (AUM) of the fund grew from Rs 898 crore in January 2018 to Rs 1,476 crore in December 2020.
Industry likely to see revenues come under pressure in new financial year
In the past 12 months, equity MFs have got inflows of Rs 1.73 trillion