Defence Minister Rajnath Singh met Chief Minister N Biren Singh over an elaborate breakfast on Friday at his Luwangshangbam residence. The defence minister was given a rousing welcome en route to the chief minister's private residence. Indian Army chief General Manoj Pande, several state ministers and BJP leaders, including the party's state president A Sharda Devi, also attended the meeting. "It was an absolute pleasure to have Hon'ble Defence Minister Shri @rajnathsingh Ji at my residence today and sought his guidance on various important matters of the state. Immensely grateful for his continuous support all throughout (sic)," the chief minister tweeted. "Delighted to host Shri @rajnathsingh Ji for a hearty breakfast at my residence in presence of Hon'ble Ministers, MLA, COAS and Senior party functionaries," he added. The defence minister then went to the office of the Inspector General of Assam Rifles (South) in Mantripukhri where he interacted with Assam Rifles jawans, and ..
Besides the Chief Minister, his cabinet colleagues and senior civil and security officials and state BJP President Adhikarimayum Sharda Devi were present in the swearing-in-ceremony
The BJP, in the February-March elections, had secured a thin majority of 32 MLAs in the 60-member Assembly and returned to the power for second consecutive term
BJP retained power in the state by winning an absolute majority with 32 seats in the 60-member House in the recently concluded Assembly polls
Union Finance Minister Nirmala on Sunday announced that N Biren Singh would remain the chief minister of the northeastern state of Manipur for a second term
The BJP is all set to retain N. Biren Singh and Pramod Sawant as chief minister of Manipur and Goa respectively, sources in the party said.
Chief Minister N. Biren Singh on Friday met Governor La Ganesan and resigned from his post while the Governor asked him to continue in his office until the new government took charge, officials said.
The BJP's impressive show in the Manipur assembly elections is a reflection of people's acceptance of the party and its governance, state unit president A Sharda Devi said on Thursday.
Polling was marred by violence in some places, as security forces deployed at Ngamju polling station in Karong assembly constituency in Senapati district allegedly shot at two people, the police said
Voting began at 7 am in 1,247 polling stations across six districts amid tight security and strict adherence to COVID-19 protocols
The Police said that one person was killed and another injured in police firing at Karong in Senapati district while a BJP activist succumbed to his injuries in Thoubal district
Men, women and first time voters in large numbers queued up in front of the polling stations well before the voting started at 7 a.m. in six electoral districts
Officials said that the first phase voters' turnout could surpass the 2017 assembly election's polling percentage of 86 per cent, which was the highest recorded in the state to date
Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh cast his vote at Shrivan High School in Imphal as voting for Manipur Assembly polls got underway on Monday.
Less than half an hour after voting commenced in Manipur, Governor La Ganesan and Chief Minister N Biren Singh exercised their franchise in their respective constituencies.
The north-eastern state of Manipur goes to the polls on February 28 and March 5
Manipur will go to the Assembly polls on February 28 and on March 5. The counting of votes will take place on March 10
As the problem of Bodo militancy was solved in neighbouring Assam, no Kuki youth will have to carry arms anymore, Shah said in an election rally in Manipur's Churachandpur district
Manipur CM N. Biren Singh on Sunday vehemently denied the accusation that militant outfits were intimidating the people to vote for the ruling BJP, and called it a "baseless allegation"
Chief Minister N Biren Singh on Sunday asserted that his party will double its tally this time and is trying hard to get a two-third majority, and said a post-poll alliance can also be forged.