Describing Manish Sisodia as the best education minister of Independent India, Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann Friday said the CBI raid at the Delhi Deputy Chief Minister's residence was the reward for the Delhi government's good performance being appreciated globally. "Manish Sisodia is the best education minister of Independent India. Today the largest US newspaper NYT printed his photo on the front page. And today Modi ji sent CBI to his house. How will India progress like this?" Mann said in a tweet in Hindi. The CBI on Friday carried out searches at 21 locations in Delhi-NCR, including Sisodia's residence, after registering an FIR in connection with the Delhi excise policy case. Other ministers in the Bhagwant Mann-led Aam Aadmi Party government in Punjab too attacked the BJP-led Centre after the CBI raid at Sisodia's house. "The Day no. 1 Newspaper of the no. 1 country in the world recognises Delhi govt's Education Model & @msisodia ji as best education minister ever. ..
A predictable and drawn-out affair, Naam Shabana isn't the thriller spy story we've been waiting for
The movie demands a suspension of disbelief that isn't befitting such a story