The National Commission for Women (NCW) has written to Delhi Police Commissioner regarding the Bulli Bai app case to immediately register FIR in the matter.NCW in the letter dated January 2 said that after the Sulli deal outrage this is another incident reported of the same portal GitHub which is "condemnable in the strongest possible words"."The Commission is extremely anguished and distressed with the abovementioned crime against a woman on cyber space. You are, therefore, required considering the gravity of the matter to immediately register FIR in the matter," reads NCW's letter to Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana."The process must be expedited so that the alleged crime is not again repeated by the same portal 'GitHub'. It is disappointing that even after the lapse of so many months since the "Sulli Deals" outrage, there has been no concrete action taken in the matter which is utterly unfortunate and concerning. The action taken in the matter in both the cases must be ...
The National Commission observed that the generator set was not purchased for resale, but for self-employment and to earn a livelihood, so a consumer complaint could be filed
The award of compensation is governed by Sec 73 of the Indian Contract Act, which says a party who suffers due to breach of contract is entitled to compensation for the natural loss
The National Commission observed that both the insured and his spouse were doctors and hence capable of understanding the scope of the policy
According to the National Commission, shifting of the generator after completion of transit does not fall within the scope of the marine and transit policy
The National Commission ordered the insurer to pay the Rs 16.65 cr together with interest at 9% per annum from January 1
The National Commission observed there was no evidence to establish an inherent manufacturing defect, so the State Commission was justified in not ordering a refund
The National Commission agreed with the State Commission's view that neither party had managed to prove that the price mentioned by them was the last market price
The National Commission concluded force majeure or delay due to reasons beyond the control of the builder would not apply to dereliction of duty
PUBG was among 118 Chinese mobile applications banned by the government in September this year
NCSC sought an action-taken report on an ex-resident doctor's allegations that he was denied a post reserved for the SC category because he had raised questions about the interests of resident doctors
A Home Guard would be considered on duty from the time he set out from his home and until he returned
Women are scared to complain due to constant presence of their abuser at home, said NCW Chairperson Rekha Sharma
Still, in exceptional circumstances, it would be permissible to make a departure from the general rule and allow additional evidence in appeal.
The Commission observed that there was no dispute that death benefit was available under the policy.
The National Commission observed that the driver had obtained a driving licence for a light motor vehicle, which was subsequently endorsed for a heavy transport vehicle