Well, yes and no. Experts are divided over the manner in which the troubles of the National Statistical Commission can be effectively addressed
Besides heading RBI and the Prime Minister's Advisory Council, Rangarajan was chairman of the National Statistical Commission, set up in 2000 to review the statistical system
The National Statistics Office is exchanging ideas with international agencies about handling data and statistics amid the pandemic situation
Monthly price data is collected from 1,114 markets across 310 towns by the field operations division of the statistics ministry and the specified
Consumer spending surveys help set the base year for key macroeconomic data, including gross domestic product
Advance estimates show growth revival remains a daunting task
From Indo-China economic gap, Trump's game plan for Indo-Pacific to unemployment in India, here's a selection of Business Standard Opinion pieces for the day.
Govt move to set up new panel of statisticians welcome
Major structural reforms are needed to raise growth rates to the highs achieved between 2003 and 2008
Gross enrolments of new subscribers with ESIC were 1.49 crore during the entire financial year 2018-19, the National Statistical Office (NSO) said in a report
However, while the Rangarajan commission had recommended making the NSC a 'nodal and empowered body for all core statistical activities of the country',
The government's concern is that the estimate does not look realistic. We are trying to examine the issues, says Bimal Kumar Roy
The NSC is an autonomous body overlooking the country's statistical system and is headed by cryptologist Bimal Kumar Roy
In 2014, NDA govt had set a target of making rural areas open defecation free by October 2, 2019 by launching the Swachh Bharat Mission to "provide access to toilet facilities to all rural households"
Chorus to make junk NSO report public grows
NSC does not have any member at present after its acting chairman PC Mohanan and member JV Meenakshi resigned in January over allegedly being sidelined on key statistical decisions
In January, Mohanan had resigned as acting chairman of the Commission along with another member amid reservations over the Ministry of Statistics and Program Implementation regarding jobs data
Statistical Commission resignations point to a deeper problem
The statement comes in the wake of two independent members of the NSC, P C Mohanan and J V Meenakshi, quitting the Commission over disagreements with the government
PC Mohanan, who was the acting chairman of the NSC along with member JV Meenakshi resigned on Monday, leaving behind no external members in the body