Reich Citizens consider the partition of Germany by Allied powers after World War II and the subsequent democratic states that followed to have been illegal
Not far from Berlin's Nazi-era Tempelhof airport, Peter Engelke is putting up a new security gate at his warehouse because of concerns about desperate people pilfering his stock
Millions paid attention when she spoke and, crucially for a job that often was more significant in its silences, what she embodied
Poles marked the 78th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, with some including the president comparing the wartime Polish resistance to that of Ukrainians today fighting Russia's invasion
An Australian state has become the first in the country to pass a law banning the public display of Nazi swastikas, as concerns grow about the rate at which local young people are being radicalised
Among the defenders were members of Azov Regiment, whose far-right origins have been seized on by the Kremlin as part of its effort to cast the invasion as a battle against Nazi influence in Ukraine
How does one calculate reparations? Who decides how the money will be spent? If it is to be distributed, who will get how much - and as cash, or in some other form - wonders T N Ninan
Many Western analysts had expected Putin to use the holiday to trumpet some kind of victory in Ukraine or announce an escalation, but he did neither.
Asked in an interview about Russian claims that it invaded Ukraine to denazify the country, Lavrov said that Ukraine could still have Nazi elements even though its president Zelenskyy is a Jewish
The UN human rights office said on Monday that the death toll of civilians killed in Ukraine since the start of the Russian invasion on February 24 had exceeded 3,000 people
They fear that a more hands-off approach to policing the platform will embolden purveyors of hate speech, bullying and disinformation to ratchet up their bad behavior
It is worth pointing out that Ukraine today is a vibrant, pluralistic democracy
Book review of Health, Hedonism and Hypochondria
Book review of The World Beneath Their Feet: The British, the Americans and the Nazis and the Race to Summit the Himalayas
Holocaust survivors from around the world are taking to social media to share their experience of how hate speech paved the way for mass murder
Vandals have scrawled graffiti denying the Holocaust on a wall in the village that was the site of the France's biggest massacre of civilians by the Nazis during World War II
The symbol was in Facebook ads run on pages belonging to Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, as well as on ads and organic posts on the "Team Trump" page.
A surreal happy ending and a final tragic one coexist in The Shop on the High Street, which benefits from intellectual honesty and thoughtfully edited frames
Research has shown most Germans were well aware of what was going on at the detention centres
While confiscations by the Nazis were generally overturned after 1989, the German unification treaty holds that seizures during the period immediately after the war remain unaffected