In the wake of the Nipah outbreak in this north Kerala district, a holiday has been declared for all educational institutions here on Thursday and Friday. The holiday was declared by Kozhikode District Collector A Geetha who in a Facebook post said educational institutions can arrange online classes on the two days for students. However, there will be no change in university exams schedule, she added. A 24-year old health worker became Kerala's fifth confirmed Nipah case on Wednesday since its recent outbreak. Meanwhile, a 24-hour control room was set up in the neighbouring district of Wayanad following the Nipah outbreak in Kozhikode The Wayanad district administration also constituted 15 core committees to lead the prevention and surveillance activities and effectively deal with emergency situations. The virus strain seen in the state was the Bangladesh variant that spreads from human to human and has a high mortality rate, though it is less infectious, the government said. Th
To contain the outbreak, the government has declared seven village panchayats in Kozhikode district as containment zones
A 24 year-old health worker has become Kerala's fifth confirmed Nipah case since its recent outbreak, as the government stepped up its efforts to cure a 9 year-old boy suffering from the deadly infection by ordering the only anti-viral treatment available. The government has ordered monoclonal antibody from ICMR to treat the child. It is the only available anti-viral treatment for Nipah virus infection, though it has not been clinically proven yet. The virus strain seen in the state was the Bangladesh variant that spreads from human to human and has a high mortality rate, though it is less infectious, the government said. The health worker employed at a private hospital in Kozhikode has been confirmed with Nipah virus infection after his samples turned positive, a statement from Kerala Health Minister Veena George said. George further said the 9 year-old boy is on ventilator support at a hospital in Kozhikode, and his condition remains critical. "We have ordered the monoclonal ...
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Encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) is a potentially fatal complication of Nipah virus. Patients with breathing complications are more likely to transmit the virus than those without
Earlier, on Tuesday, the state Health department issued an alert for Kannur, Wayanad and Malappuram districts after the confirmatin of Nipah infection in Kozhikode
Nipah virus: Two people have died in Kerala due to the virus and two others are undergoing treatment in a private hospital after testing positive
The state experienced its first outbreak in June 2018 in the Kozhikode and Malappuram districts, claiming 17 lives
The state department has also issued an alert in the district in the wake of two deaths after a review meeting chaired by State Health Minister Veena George
The Kerala Health Department sounded a health alert in Kozhikode district on Monday following two "unnatural" deaths suspected to be due to the Nipah virus infection. State Health Minister Veena George held a high-level meeting and reviewed the situation, the health department said in a statement on Monday night. It said two "unnatural" deaths following fever were reported from a private hospital, and it is suspected that these were due to the Nipah virus. Relatives of one of the deceased are also admitted to the intensive care unit, it said. Deaths due to Nipah virus infection were reported in Kozhikode district in 2018 and 2021. The first Nipah virus (NiV) outbreak in south India was reported from Kozhikode on May 19, 2018. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Nipah virus infection is a zoonotic illness that is transmitted to people from animals and can also be transmitted through contaminated food or directly from person-to-person. Among infected people, it cause
Former Kerala health minister K K Shailaja's book is indescribably heart-warming , highlighting her empathy and tireless-efforts in fighting the Nipah outbreak in the state
Former Kerala Health Minister K K Shailaja has rejected Ramon Magsaysay award for her contributions to preventing COVID-19 and Nipah virus
3,413 cases reported till June-end across the world, with only one death
Nipah is a zoonotic virus (transmitted from animals to humans), which can be spread through contaminated food or directly between humans on exposure to secretions
The samples of four close contacts of the 12 year-old child who succumbed to Nipah virus infection last week has returned negative
Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Thursday said he will be getting a report on the possible impact of Nipah virus infections in the state, and necessary action will be taken to control it.
Test results of 46 people who had come in close contact with the 12-year-old child who succumbed to Nipah have been negative, till now, for virus infection, Kerala Health Minister Veena George said
All 24 samples of eight persons sent to the National Institute of Virology in Pune have tested negative for Nipah virus, said Kerala Health Minister Veena George on Tuesday
The Kerala health department has identified 251 persons who have come in contact with the 12-year-old boy, who succumbed to Nipah virus infection
The experts said that "intensive contact tracing" and quarantine of all primary contacts were the two main steps to be taken to ensure effective control over spread of the infection.