Eleven years since the gut-wrenching Nirbhaya rape incident, the father of the victim said a lot has changed, but a lot has also remained the same when it comes to the police and prosecution system. He said that the Narendra Modi government may have taken the country to historic highs, but till now it has not been able to do anything special when it comes to women's safety and stopping cruelty against them. On the night of December 16, 2012, a 23-year-old physiotherapy trainee (name changed to Nirbhaya) was raped and mutilated by six men inside a moving bus in South Delhi and thrown outside. She died on December 29 at Mount Elizabeth Hospital in Singapore. On Saturday, 11 years after the incident, Nirbhaya's father paid a tearful tribute to his daughter in his village in Ballia district. "Eleven years after the Nirbhaya gang rape and murder, nothing has changed in the country and even today daughters and women are not safe," the man told PTI. "Changing the law won't change anythin
Under the scheme, a helpline with a common number across the country, specifically for women, will link with the OSCs to provide aid to women in distress.
Sixteen convicts have been executed in the country in the past three decades, including Yakub Memon, Afzal Guru and Ajmal Kasab.
In a sign of the public outrage over the case that had shaken the conscience of an entire nation, several people had gathered outside the Tihar jail in the wee hours on Friday to welcome the hanging
Meanwhile, the Delhi High Court rejected a petition seeking direction to NHRC to assess mental as well as physical health of the convicts
As per the plan, around 2,000 cameras would be installed in each of the 70 Assembly constituencies in Delhi
SC upheld earlier order of death sentence to four convicts in Dec 16, 2012 gang rape case