Economic historian and labour economist, Claudia Goldin was recognised 'for having advanced our understanding of women's labour market outcomes'
Angus Deaton said that levies on high-earners would be 'very difficult to implement' and give the wealthy 'huge incentives to avoid it'
There are question-marks about the way the prizes work
But it really gathered momentum in the 2000s, with researchers such as the Nobel awardees designing and implementing experiments to study a wide range of microeconomic questions
Winners of the prizes in physics, chemistry and economics made the assessment Saturday at a news conference ahead of next week's presentation of the prizes.
There is good reason for caution in applying the results of randomised control trials across space and time
Amartya Sen was the first Indian economist to win the Nobel Prize in 1998
Econ Nobelists transformed policy evaluation
Hart and Holmstrom's work has laid 'an intellectual foundation' for designing policies and institutions in many areas