The Nobel economics prize was created by the Swedish central bank 'in memory of Alfred Nobel'
Research shows that an implicit bias against women as experts and academic scientists is pervasive
Nadia Murad survived the worst cruelties ever inflicted on her people, the Yazidis of Iraq, before becoming a global champion of their cause and winning the Nobel Peace Prize
Scientists are now using evolution to create designer proteins for therapies and industrial processes
Their work centres on techniques of "directed evolution" - a method which imitates natural selection
By awarding the Nobel Prize in Physics to a woman this year, the Nobel committee finally acknowledged the powerful contribution that a woman made, not only to a research field but to humankind
'The inventions being honoured this year have revolutionised laser physics,' the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said
Winning a Nobel Prize may be a good thing. But not winning a Nobel Prize is not a bad thing
James Allison and Tasuku Honjo led exciting and groundbreaking work on developing new types of immunotherapy that help our immune system fight cancer
We need to revise the statutes, untouched since 1974, to allow for new prizes and rectify past injustices
Scientists working on these areas were honoured with the Nobel this year
Though Nobel Prize nominations have been secret for 50 years, speculations abound contenders for this year's prize in economics
The 2017 Nobel for medicine went to three researchers who uncovered the workings of tiny clocks inside your cells
They won 2017 Nobel Prize for Physics for their decisive contributions in the observation of gravitational waves
The French, Scottish and Dutch scientists had developed molecules with controllable movements that can perform tasks when energy is added
Jean-Pierre Sauvage of France, Scotland's Fraser Stoddart and Dutch Bernard Feringa developed molecules with controllable movements
The winners "opened the door on an unknown world where matter can assume strange states," the academy said
British scientists David Thouless, Duncan Haldane and Michael Kosterlitz's studies of unusual states of matter may open up new applications in electronics
Physiology or medicine prize, the first of the Nobel prizes awarded each year, is worth $933,000