Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation, its promoters including Nusli Wadia, his sons Ness and Jehangir, and others on Friday settled a disclosure lapses case with markets regulator Sebi after paying Rs 2.12 crore towards settlement amount. In all, a total of 18 entities settled the case pertaining to flouting various provisions of securities market norms. The order came after the entities proposed to settle the violations "without admitting or denying the findings" by paying settlement amounts. "It is hereby ordered that any proceedings that may be initiated for the violations ... are settled in respect of the applicants," Sebi said in its settlement order. As per the order, the entities allegedly failed to make timely disclosures of shareholding changes and related party information; and failed to comply with accounting standards and regulations on related party disclosures as required under SAST (Substantial Acquisitions of Shares and Takeovers) norms and insider trading rules. Also
Wadia withdrew plea in SC after court recorded that Ratan Tata and others had no intention to defame him
Wadia filed a criminal defamation case against Ratan Tata and other directors of Tata Sons in 2016 after he was voted out of the boards of some Tata Group companies
A Tata Sons spokesperson said the company would respond appropriately to Wadia's letter