OrbiMed-backed Laxmi Dental on Wednesday said it has fixed the price band at Rs 407-428 per share for Rs 698 crore initial public offer which will hit the markets for public subscription on January 13. The company has decreased the size of its fresh issuance from Rs 150 crore to Rs 138 crore and expanded OFS (offer for sale) size from 1.28 crore equity shares to nearly 1.31 crore shares. The initial public offerings (IPO) will conclude on January 15, while bidding for anchor investors is to open for a day January 10, the company said in a statement. At the upper end of the price band, the company is expecting to fetch about Rs 698 crore from the public issue. The IPO is a combination of fresh issue of equity shares up to Rs 138 crore and an OFS of up to 1.31 crore equity shares by promoters -- Rajesh Vrajlal Khakhar and Sameer Kamlesh Merchant, and other shareholders, according to the Red Herring Prospectus (RHP) filed on January 7. Under the OFS, investor OrbiMed Asia II Mauritiu
Grid Equipments, the promoter of GE Vernova T&D India, on Monday said it will divest up to 8.38 per cent of its holding in the company through an offer for sale (OFS) mechanism. The proposed OFS will open on Tuesday and conclude on Wednesday. The sale will involve a base offer of 1.4 crore equity shares (5.47 per cent of paid-up equity) with an option to oversubscribe by an additional 74.51 lakh shares (a 2.91 per cent stake), collectively amounting to 2.14 crore shares, amounting to an 8.38 per cent with a face value of Rs 2 each. The seller has fixed a floor price of Rs 1,550 per share. The transaction will be executed through a separate trading window on the BSE and the NSE, the company said in a regulatory filing exchanges. On November 26, non-retail investors will have the opportunity to bid during trading hours, with the option to carry forward unallocated bids to the second day. Retail investors and eligible non-retail bidders can participate on November 27, with 10 per ...
Hindustan Zinc OFS: Vedanta will offload 3.2 per cent stake in HZL at a floor price of Rs 486 per share. This is at a 15-per cent discount to HZK's last closing price
Meanwhile, Hindustan Zinc has dismissed rumours of Rs 6,000 crore worth special dividend.
The government is committed to offloading its stake in Vedanta group firm Hindustan Zinc through offer for sale (OFS) and will take the decision on this after testing the market, mines secretary V L Kantha Rao said on Monday. The government, the largest minority shareholder in Hindustan Zinc, owns a 29.54 per cent stake in the company. "We are committed to OFS," Rao said on the sidelines of an event here. The statement comes after the mines ministry rejected Hindustan Zinc Ltd's demerger plan. "Demerger, anyways, we have not agreed," the mines secretary said. When asked to comment on when the offer for sale company is expected, Rao said, "There is no point doing OFS when the market is not ready. Let me test the marketdo the roadshow and then we will decide." The Supreme Court in 2021 allowed the government to disinvest its residual stake in Hindustan Zinc in the open market. Earlier, Hindustan Zinc had said that it will continue to engage with the Centre on its proposal to split
Aditya Birla Sun Life AMC on Monday said its promoters propose to sell 7 per cent of their stake for Rs 900 crore. The promoters, Aditya Birla Capital Ltd and Sun Life (India) AMC Investments Inc, propose to sell up to 2,01,66,293 shares of the company representing 7 per cent of stake by way of an offer-for-sale (OFS) through stock exchange mechanism, a regulatory filing said. At the base offer, promoters would raise Rs 900 crore, while with the green shoe option they would raise about Rs 1,487 crore. The two-day OFS opens on Tuesday and closes on Wednesday, it said. The OFS comes with an option to additionally sell up to 1,28,86,277 shares representing 4.47 per cent, it said. The base offer size and the oversubscription option will represent 11.47 per cent of the total issued and paid up share capital of the company, that is 3,30,52,570 shares, it said. The floor price for the offer would be Rs 450 per share, it said. Shares of Aditya Birla Sun Life AMC Ltd closed at Rs 475.35,
Stocks to Watch on March 7: The government will sell up to 7 per cent stake in NLC India through an offer for sale (OFS) to raise up to Rs 2,100 crore
It has shown preference for the OFS route to avoid dilution of its equity capital base while increasing the public float of shares
Through the OFS, the government was looking to divest nearly 3.5 per cent stake in the hydropower firm
The Initial Public Offering (IPO) of Credo Brands Marketing, which owns denim brand Mufti, got subscribed 51.85 times on Thursday, the last day of subscription. Heavy demand from institutional buyers helped the share sale attract smart subscription on the closing day. The Rs 549.77 crore-initial share sale attracted bids for 71,26,92,325 shares against 1,37,44,472 shares on offer, as per data available with the NSE. The Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) part got subscribed a staggering 104.95 times while the portion for non-institutional investors received 55.51 times subscription. The quota for Retail Individual Investors (RIIs) got subscribed 19.94 times. The IPO of 1,96,34,960 equity shares had a price range of Rs 266-280 a share. Credo Brands' public issue was an Offer For Sale (OFS) of up to 1.96 crore shares by promoters and other existing shareholders. The company has collected Rs 165 crore from anchor investors. Credo Brands Marketing is among the leading homegrown b
The Finance Ministry has invited bids for the empanelment of merchant bankers and legal advisors for assisting the government in CPSE disinvestment transactions undertaken through OFS and stock market dribbling. The bids have been invited in four categories -- A++, A+, A and B, based on the size of the transaction. To be eligible for empanelment in the A++ category, which is an OFS transaction size of more than Rs 2,000 crore, interested merchant bankers would be required to have completed at least one equity market transaction of the size of Rs 2,000 crore. For empanelment for managing OFS transaction size of Rs 750 crore to Rs 2,000 crore (A+), and less than Rs 750 crore (A), the interested merchant banker would be required to have managed at least one capital market transaction of Rs 750 crore and Rs 500 crore respectively between April 2020 and till now. In the fourth category, which is B, interested merchant bankers would be involved in the sale of CPSE shares on the stock ...
Doms Industries, the stationery and art products manufacturer, has fixed the price band at Rs 750-790 per share
The 40-million share offering saw bids for 85.7 million shares largely from institutional investors
The floor price for the sale, however, has been set at Rs 79 apiece, which is 12 per cent lower than Tuesday's closing price pf Rs 89.9 per share
At the last close, EMS was valued at Rs 1,553 crore
News agency Reuters reported the government will aim to sell up to 11 per cent stake in IRFC in multiple tranches, but it is yet to decide the exact quantum of sale
Shares of Rail Vikas fell 6.1 per cent to end at Rs 126 in secondary market trading
Following the OFS, the company will become compliant with the 25 per cent minimum public shareholding norms
Baba Ramdev-led Patanjali Ayurved's offer to sell shares of Patanjali Foods received good response on Thursday, with the portion set aside for non-retail investors getting subscribed more than two times. The two-day Offer For Sale (OFS) has been launched by promoter entity Patanjali Ayurved to pare its total stake in Patanjali Foods by around 7 per cent to meet the minimum public shareholding requirement. The offer received cumulative bids for over 4.56 crore shares, translating into 2 times subscriptions, according to BSE data. On Thursday only 2.28 crore shares were offered for sale to non-retail investors. Retail investors will bid on Friday. Patanjali Ayurved received bids for 1,20,27,936 shares (with 100 per cent margin), while bids for 3,36,04,276 shares were received at nil margin. Shares of Patanjali Foods fell 5 per cent to Rs 1,166.65 on the BSE. On Wednesday, Patanjali Foods had informed that its promoter Patanjali Ayurved will sell up to 2.53 crore shares in its group
"We wish to intimate the exchanges of our intention not to exercise the oversubscription option." Patanjali Foods said