Okaya Electric Vehicles on Friday said it has launched high-speed e-scooter Faast at an introductory price of Rs 89,999 (before subsidies) at the EV Expo 21 held at Greater Noida. The company also announced the opening of bookings with an initial payment of Rs 1,999 through the Okaya EV website or at dealerships, it said in a release. Besides, Okaya also showcased its upcoming e-motorcycle Ferrato, which is expected to be launched in the second quarter of FY22. The IoT-enabled e-scooter offers a top speed of 60-70 kmph and a range of 150-200 km per charge, depending on usage. It comes packed with features and specs such as a 4.4 kW lithium phosphate battery, all LED lights, digital instrument cluster, daytime running lights and combi braking system, the company said. Okaya is fully dedicated to realise the vision of making India a 100 per cent EV nation. With the launch of our Okaya Faast, we have showcased our renewed commitment towards bringing innovative, low-cost but ...
Energy storage solutions provider Okaya Group's EV arm on Thursday launched a new electric scooter Freedum with a price starting at Rs 69,900. The company already sells two electric scooters -- the AvionIQ series and ClassIQ series. Freedum, which would be available with both lithium-ion and lead-acid battery options, will be the company's third product in the market. Okaya said the new scooter is being rolled out from its Baddi (Himachal Pradesh) based manufacturing plant. The Freedum will be launched in four variants, comprising low-speed and high-speed trims with a maximum range of around 250 km per charge. Electric is the future and we find ourselves best placed to offer a high-quality, value for money proposition to every Indian. Owing to our allied business interests, it is only natural for us to have an advantage in the market space," Okaya Power Group Managing Director Anil Gupta said. The company said it aims to launch 14 new products, including a high-speed motorcycle an
Moreover, the company would also focus on automotive batteries