The Gujarat government has formed a separate company and earmarked Rs 6,000 crore to build six sports complexes to host the 2036 Summer Olympic Games in case India wins the bid for the quadrennial multi-discipline sporting extravaganza, an official said on Tuesday. The dedicated entity, 'Gujarat Olympic Planning and Infrastructure Corporation Ltd', was formed nearly three months and one board meeting has already taken place, said a senior official of the state government firm seeking anonymity. The company has put up its pavilion at the Vibrant Gujarat Trade Show 2024, which was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday in Gandhinagar. The firm will primarily look after development of an area measuring nearly 350 acres around the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Sports Enclave in Ahmedabad's Motera area. Notably, the under-construction sports enclave houses the Narendra Modi Stadium, the world's biggest cricket arena in terms of spectator capacity. "To realise Prime Minister
The five athletes, who represent four countries from four area associations, have achieved sensational performances across a range of athletics disciplines in 2023
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said this year's sports budget is three times more than the allocation made nine years ago and asserted India has a vast pool of sporting talent and is prepared to host the 2036 Olympic Games. He said India's recent success in the world of sports is a huge inspiration for every young sportsperson, weeks after the country bagged a record 107 medals at the Asian Games in China. Speaking after inaugurating the 37th National Games at the Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium at Margao, Modi said the Games are taking place in Goa at a time when Indian sports is reaching new heights. We have brought in changes in schemes to provide financial incentives to sportspersons, he said. There is no dearth of sporting talent in India, Modi said, adding the country has produced many sports champions. "The country has produced champions despite deprivation, yet poor performance in the medal tally always rankled people," he said. Modi referred to several key ...
Indian Women's Team head coach Thomas Dennerby has announced the 22-member squad that will travel to Uzbekistan for the Round 2 AFC Women's Olympic Qualifiers.
Is hosting the Olympics a good bet for India? How to decode the IT results? How do analysts interpret HDFC Bank's Q2 show? What is the Model Code of Conduct? All answers here
He also went on to highlight India's growing prowess in sports as they finished the 19th Asian Games with a record medal tally
The International Olympic Council's (IOC) Executive Board on Thursday announced the suspension of the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) with immediate effect for "breach of charter". The Russian athletes though will be able to take part in international competitions, including next year's Paris Olympics, as independent participants. The 141st Session of the IOC will be held here from October 15-17 and the IOC's Executive Board is meeting over two days, on October 12 and 13, to discuss the proposals it has to move forward to the Session. The National Olympic Committee (NOC) of Russia was suspended after it decided to include regional sports organisations which are under the authority of the NOC of Ukraine. "The unilateral decision taken by the Russian Olympic Committee on 5 October 2023 to include, as its members, the regional sports organisations which are under the authority of the National Olympic Committee (NOC) of Ukraine (namely Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia) ...
A handful of Indian shooters are likely to compete in a tournament in Paris in the third week of July, hoping to gain some "advance knowledge" of lining up at the range that will host the events at next year's Olympics. The forthcoming tournament, starting July 15, will take place at the same range that will also play host to the shooting events of the 2024 Olympic Games in the French capital. While not all shooters selected for the ISSF World Championships and Hangzhou Asian Games are going to be part of this tournament, which is being organised exactly one year before the quadrennial extravaganza, quite a few of them are set to take to the Paris range in the coming days. "The team is going to be a mix of players who are in the current Indian squad for the World Championship and Asian Games and those shooters who missed out on selection now but were part of the earlier squad," a source in the National Rifle Association of India (NRAI) told PTI. "As far as the participating shooter
On Friday, June 23, the Dibrugarh District Sports Association and the Assam Olympic Association will organize a central celebration of International Olympic Day 2023
India will be represented by a strong 255-member contingent at the Special Olympics World Summer Games to be held in Berlin, Germany from June 17 to 25. The contingent includes 198 athletes, who will participate in 16 disciplines, and unified partners and 57 coaches. The Special Olympics World Games are the world's largest inclusive sporting event for people with intellectual disabilities. A total of 700 athletes and unified partners across 190 countries will compete in 26 disciplines in Berlin. Before their departure for Berlin on June 12, the Indian athletes will participate in a preparatory camp at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium from June 7 to 11. Special Olympics Bharat will also organise a special send-off ceremony for the contingent at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium on Thursday, which will be attended by Sports Minister Anurag Thakur, Women and Child Development and Minority Affairs Minister Smriti Irani, Indian Olympic Association chief PT Usha, cricketer Yuvraj Singh and singe
For the Olympic Games, a total of around 10 million tickets will be put on sale, and 80 per cent of these will be made directly available to the public via the official ticketing platform
More than 30 like-minded nations have pledged their ongoing support for a ban on Russian and Belarusian athletes competing in international competitions, including the 2024 Olympic Games.
The country would do well to think several times before committing to such gigantic expenditure in the uncertain future
A former chairman and two senior managers of Japanese major business suit retailer Aoki Holdings Inc. have admitted in court to having bribed to win sponsorship rights for the Tokyo Olympic Games
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has released its first-ever visual identity in order to bring the Olympic brand and its core values to life, the IOC announced on Wednesday
Russian athletes and officials who have been banned from international sports because of the war in Ukraine are being protected rather than punished, International Olympic Committee president said
Neeraj Chopra's biography chronicles how he triumphed despite the deplorable state of Indian sports infrastructure
The Paris proposal to the IOC sets the basic price lower than at the 2012 London Olympics, where the 20 pounds tickets cost more than $31 at the exchange rate then
The javelin gold medal winner from Tokyo Games, Chopra earned a nomination for the prestigious 2022 Laureus World Sports Awards in the World Breakthrough of the Year category
The International Olympic Committee approved a proposal on Thursday to include the three sports in the Los Angeles games