About 8.3 lakh women have been helped through the one stop centres, which have been established to provide integrated support and assistance under one roof to women affected by violence, Women and Child Development Minister Smriti Irani on Wednesday said. Speaking at the 32nd foundation day of the National Commission for Women (NCW), Irani highlighted various steps taken by the government to ensure the safety and security of women. She said one stop centres have been established in over 700 districts to help the women and added that more than 8.3 lakh women have received help through these centres. The aim of the one stop centres (OSCs) is to provide aid and assistance to the women. They are required to have a centre administrator, case workers, medical personnel, police facilitation officer, psycho-social counsellor, legal counsellor, security guard, IT staff and multi-purpose workers. The Women and Child Development (WCD) minister also said that 30 crore calls have been managed .
Over 6.22 lakh women till September this year have been assisted by 730 One Stop Centres', the government said on Wednesday. Responding to a question in the Lok Sabha, Women and Child Development Minister Smriti Irani said her ministry has approved 758 One Stop Centres (OSCs) to be set up in 734 districts across the country. Out of which, 730 OSCs have been operationalised in 36 states/ UTs that have assisted over 6.22 lakh women till September, 2022, she said. The OSCs has provisions for providing temporary shelter for up to five days to distressed women, the minister said in a written reply. OSCs aim to provide aid and assistance to women. They are required to have a centre administrator, case workers, medical personnel, police facilitation officer, psycho-social counsellor, legal counsellor, security guard, IT staff and multi-purpose workers.
Minister Maneka Gandhi said scheme was first implemented on April 1 last year when 17 such OSCs were set up