Over 75 per cent of all intercity bus passengers, who made bookings on the redBus platform, travelled between 6pm and 12 midnight in 2023, according to a report. The time from noon to 5pm was a distant second with 13 per cent of all travel occurring during this time, the online bus ticketing platform said in a report released on Friday. A total of 76 per cent of people made intercity travel bookings on the platform for journeys between 6 pm and 12 midnight, the report said. As per the report, on an average, more than 50,000 buses were available on the redBus platform per day in 2023. All calculations are as per data on the redBus platform for 2023. Additionally, according to the report, the popularity of AC buses remained high, constituting 63 per cent of all intercity bus bookings on redBus, higher than the 60 per cent recorded in 2023. As per the report, Tirupati and Shirdi were the most-visited pilgrimage destinations in 2023, followed by Nashik & Ujjain (Mahakaleshwar). The .
Here is the best of Business Standard's opinion pieces for today
Apple has introduced a new free tool named 'Apple Business Connect' which will allow businesses of all sizes to customise the way their information appears across Apple applications
Solo and professional content creators are making 350 GB of content per month, providing new business opportunities for Western Digital in India, a senior company official said on Wednesday. While unveiling Sandisk Professional Pro-Grade storage solution, Western Digital Senior Director-Marketing for India Middle East and TIA, Jaganathan Chelliah said the company sees a huge growth opportunity in internal storage drive business as people in India continue to upgrade the capacity of their personal computers. "Solo and professional content creators in India are creating content of around 350 GB per month which is providing us new business opportunities. As per our study with CyberMedia Research, on an average a new-age content creator creates 350 GB (gigabyte) of content in a month, while a typical Bollywood movie production house requires about 200-300 TB (terabyte) of storage," Chelliah said. He said that this is the first time the company has come up with storage solutions for solo
Sellers too stand to gain from lower commissions and more customers
What is the business model of 10Club that acquires and grows e-commerce-first businesses? How do brands benefit from its expertise? Co-founder Bhavna Suresh answers these and more in this interview
Close on the heels of a USD 285-million investment round, fintech major Pine Labs may raise additional funds in the coming weeks according to company official.
While Covid-19 catalysed several trends, it most importantly fast-tracked the transition to a mobile-first world.
His exit comes at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic has heated up the online shopping business, as customers turn to websites and apps to avoid the risks of visiting stores
The pandemic has accelerated the shift that blurs the difference between B2B and B2C
Revival in air travel, hotels, ride-sharing taking longer than expected
The six-week programme features free on-demand online training, live sessions and conversations around various topics
Keep the initial cost at Rs 10,000-15,000 a year, and scale up as your business grows
It's good to know the government is working on stronger rules to protect ecommerce customers
E-commerce enablers help you enhance footprint by creating websites, integrated payment gateways
The government's move to introduce the requirement comes against the backdrop of instances where people have been duped by way of fraudulent activities