RBI devolves over Rs 20,000 crore in Rs 31,000-crore bond auctions
China's central bank pumped cash into the financial system through open market operations
The central bank is offering commissions as high as 50 paise per Rs 100 face value for a bond maturing in 2050, compared with just 1.24 paise on April 30, 2020
The central bank on Friday devolved nearly the entire bond auction on primary dealers, as the markets were demanding higher yields for five-year and 10-year bonds being sold
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) said on Monday it plans to buy bonds worth Rs 20,000 crore through open market operations (OMOs)
There is an outside chance of the central bank announcing a rate cut in its monetary policy on Friday, since growth at any cost remains the mantra
The Reserve Bank of India will conduct simultaneous purchase and sale of government securities under open market operations for Rs 10,000 crore each on January 7
FPA Global Opportunity Fund on Tuesday sold nearly 10 lakh shares of CARE Ratings Ltd worth about Rs 52 crore through an open market transaction.
The Reserve Bank of India will conduct the third auction of state developments loans (SDLs) aggregating Rs 10,000 crore under the Open Market Operations (OMO) on December 23. The Reserve Bank has conducted two OMOs in SDLs covering all states/UTs for a cumulative amount of Rs 20,000 crore. The first-ever auction under OMOs in SDLs was conducted in October and the second in November. "It has now been decided to conduct another purchase auction of SDLs under Open Market Operations (OMOs) for an aggregate amount of Rs 10,000 crore on December 23, 2020," it said in a statement. The central bank will purchase the SDLs through a multi-security auction using the multiple price method. There is no security wise notified amount. The RBI had decided to conduct OMOs in SDLs as a "special case" during the current financial year with an aim to improve liquidity and facilitate efficient pricing. At present, SDLs are eligible collateral for Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) along with T-bills,
RBI said it will conduct simultaneous purchase and sale of government securities under the Open Market Operations for an aggregate amount of Rs 10,000 crore each on December 17
F Born AG on Tuesday sold more than 22 lakh shares of Tata Coffee Ltd, worth over Rs 23 crore, through an open market transaction.
RBI report lauds Odisha, Haryana for dipping into own 'rainy funds' instead of borrowing more; views Gujarat, UP and Punjab as over-leveraged
Lowest cut-off yield offered for Karnataka's 9-year bond at 6.4746%, highest for Jammu & Kashmir's 10-year SDL at 6.6813%
Size may be enhanced in the subsequent auctions depending on market response
The central bank received bids for Rs 1,13,654 crore, or over 5x the Rs 20,000 crore amount on offer
By facilitating the OMOs, the central bank is assuming a much bigger role than earlier. Some have started comparing the RBI with European Central Bank
While not exactly announcing an OMO calendar for secondary-market bond purchases, the OMO size has been doubled to Rs 20,000 crore in each operation
May have given primary dealers a way to square off positions, shows data
To borrow Rs 4.34 trillion in 16 weekly tranches till Jan-end for the second half of the financial year
Bond dealers say the central bank has singled out the 10-year bonds as marquee rate setting bonds and is trying to put out a forceful rate signal