RBI is mulling allowing individual investors to raise their exposure to P2P lending start-ups to Rs 25 lakh as against Rs 10 lakh at present
Investors can earn as much as 12-36 per cent, but limiting the amount to each borrower will help contain losses
Industry players want the RBI to raise the lending limit for individual borrowers and remove it for institutional lenders
Rs 10 lakh cap on lending is restrictive, say players
With these platforms getting access to credit bureaus, small borrowers, who find it difficult to get loans from banks, can use them to build a credit profile
Possibility of 16-22% annual returns is attractive but analysts suggest caution till norms are put in place
The industry is expecting RBI to create separate category of NBFCs for P2P lending on the lines of NBFC MFIs
Final guidelines expected soon; P2P players may also get access to credit bureau data
Welcoming the RBI's move to bring the nascent peer-to-peer (P2P) lending under regulation, experts want the banking regulator to keep the sector out of leverage ratio limits as they are not deposit-taking entities. RBI last month released a consultation paper on P2P lending with a view to bringing the emerging activity under regulations. P2P lending -- providing loans to individuals or businesses through online services which bring together lenders and borrowers-- is a new concept in India, but it is growing globally in the countries like the UK and the US. In 2015, the UK granted USD 32 billion P2P loans, while the US saw USD 22 billion financing. "Any regulatory change makes the system more streamlined and if it is done in a constructive manner keeping in view the benefits of all stakeholders, can definitely boost the sector," Rajat Gandhi, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Faircent, told PTI. Welcoming the move, another player 'i2ifunding' said it will weed out ...
Several urban-centric P2P lenders such as Faircent and i-lend have seen a brisk growth in a very short span of time
Business Standard explains the concept of P2P lending and its implications on the financial sector
RBI looking to monitor sector as it's gaining momentum with several online players setting shops