India's energy policy would have to be in tune with the international commitments on emission reduction
Historic Paris Agreement, reached in December last year, will come into force after it is ratified by at least 55 countries
Work on these rules, regulations and decisions begins formally on November 8 this year with the meeting of 196 countries at Morocco
After linking the success of its climate change commitments to NSG membership, India backtracked and set the Oct 2 date
A total of 60 countries so far have deposited their instruments of ratification for the agreement
Modi's gambit to hinge ratification of climate change pact to NSG membership fails
India likely to find itself isolated as its negotiating tool loses edge
Both countires have agreed take action to combat climate change through innovation and deployment of low-carbon solutions
Faces risk of being cut off from decision making at climate talks
Special Envoy Pershing will travel to Mumbai for meetings with members of the finance sector
Neither the US nor India has committed to a formal ratification of the Paris agreement by the end of 2016 in the much-hyped joint statement on climate change.The statement, issued during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Washington, reads: "The United States reaffirms its commitment to join the Agreement as soon as possible this year." The US has shied from using the word 'ratification', as it would require approval from the US senate, which President Obama is unlikely to secure from the Republican citadel.During the negotiations between the two countries, preceding Modi's tour, the US had insisted that India should commit to a formal ratification by 2016-end, while Washington would use the term "join the agreement". India, however, stopped short of such a commitment in the bilateral statement. Consequently, the joint statement reads, "India similarly has begun its processes to work toward this shared objective." Indian negotiators insisted upon this insertion to replace the sing
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is currently on a three-day US visit at the invitation of Obama
Developed and developing nations spar for two days over implementation of the agreement
The three leaders met after the historic signing ceremony by 175 nations of the Paris climate change agreement
Three months after India committed to an ambitious set of targets under the global climate change Paris agreement, the government is working in fits and starts to put the architecture, policy and regulations in place to achieve what it promised to the global community