PayPal said on Thursday that its users will now be able to send money to Ukrainians, both in the war-ravaged country as well as those now refugees across Europe. Previously, people in Ukraine were only able to use the payments platform to send money out of the country. They will now be able to receive funds, as well as make transfers within Ukraine and abroad. It's the latest measure by banks and other financial services companies looking for ways to help Ukrainians impacted by Russia's invasion. PayPal cut off Russia from its services last week. Since the war began, Americans and other supporters of Ukraine have been looking for ways to financially support Ukrainian refugees as well as those still in the country. People have booked Airbnbs in Kyiv or sent cryptocurrencies to Ukrainians. Money transfer companies like MoneyGram and Western Union have seen surges in demand as people look for ways to send money to friends and family in the region. PayPal, which is based in San Jose,
Paypal Holding Inc suspended its services in Russia, citing Moscow's 'violent military aggression in Ukraine', Paypal President and CEO Dan Schulman said in a letter to the Ukrainian government.
Study says 29% of MSMEs felt business environment in India became more favourable for online sales; for 31% cross-border opportunity was promising
Net revenue in the third quarter rose over 13% to $6.18 billion.
Some analysts now think Pinterest could attract interest from other bidders down the road
A source told Reuters that PayPal had offered $70 per share, mostly in stock, for Pinterest.
Pinterest is a visual search and scrapbooking platform that lets users save, collect and group images by theme
PayPal veteran Sanjay Bhargava has announced that he is all set to serve tech billionaire Elon Musk's SpaceX as Starlink Country Director India starting October 1.
The deal tracks rival Square Inc's agreement last month to buy Australian BNPL success story Afterpay Ltd for $29 billion
Digital payment solutions provider PayPal said India is the "bedrock" of its development capabilities and it continues to hire aggressively in the country to further build and drive the teams
Rollout is first international expansion of company's cryptocurrencies outside the US
PayPal is partnering with non-profit organisation Anti-Defamation League to investigate how extremist and hate movements in US take advantage of financial platforms to fund their criminal activities
Digital payments major PayPal said the technological shift brought in by blockchain and cryptocurrency can help democratise financial services and bring in greater financial inclusion
Venmo users will be able to buy bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin and bitcoin cash for as little as $1
Customers who hold bitcoin, ether, bitcoin cash and litecoin in PayPal digital wallets will now be able to convert their holdings into fiat currencies at checkouts to make purchases, the company said
The appointment comes along with several other key ones that the company has made recently as its restructuring plan
The hiring will be for the firm's development centres across Bengaluru, Chennai, and Hyderabad
Payments and banking technology firm Cashfree announced a partnership with PayPal
The demand from the US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was made last month, the digital payment processor said in a regulatory filing
PayPal was a payments options on many Indian online apps such as travel and ticketing service MakeMy Trip, online film booking app BookMyShow and food delivery app Swiggy