The EPFO has almost 60 million subscribers and it has a cumulative pension and provident fund corpus of more than Rs 12 trillion
Assets held by the world's sovereign wealth and public pension funds rose to a record $31.9 trillion in 2021 thanks to rising US stock and oil prices
The scores of 11 countries, including India and South Korea, slipped this year as the world battles to limit the economic fallout from the Covid-19 crisis.
The decision comes as FTSE Russell is set to start adding Chinese debt to its benchmark global bond index, which the GPIF follows, from October
Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari has invited US investors, particularly insurance and pension funds, to invest in the country's road and highway infrastructure
The number of subscribers of the government's Atal Pension Yojana (APY) crossed 33 million-mark by August 25, the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) said on Wednesday
A staggered approach should be followed for streamlining of investment guidelines and limits to keep pace with the growth in the InvIT market, it suggested
Buying in tranches will also help you deal with interest-rate risk
Regulator will come up with comprehensive guidelines on issuer's track record and other aspects within a week
The former civil servants said they were unable to understand why there was a need for such an amendment to the Central Pension Rules
New entity will have assets of over $250 billion, compared to Japan's Government Pension Investment Fund, the largest in the world.
But systematic withdrawal plan carries risk that retirees may overdraw
Invest if you want tax benefit and are okay with long lock-in and 40% annuitisation
The govt needs to examine its options to join global central securities depositories without ceding tax sovereignty. This could considerably delay India becoming a part of global bond indices.
A proposed regime requiring investments through holding companies may have tax implications, say experts
Long-term investment in infrastructure by Sovereign Wealth Funds and Pension Funds will also receive a boost owing to certain relaxations
Dinesh Kumar Khara says this is needed to ensure money flows into infrastructure, as is the case across the globe
The Pension Fund Regulatory Development Authority (PFRDA) is urging corporates to become its subscribers for the benefit of employees, its chairman Suprotim Bandopadyay said on Thursday.
While this will help investors become more disciplined in saving for their retirement, the transaction charge could be a concern for those investing small amounts
Foreign investment in pension funds regulated by the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) is capped at 49 per cent with automatic route