The CBI conducted searches in three cities after registering an FIR against IL&FS Energy Development Company Limited in connection with an alleged fraud of Rs 100.30 crore in Punjab National Bank, officials said on Friday. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has booked the company and its directors for alleged criminal conspiracy, cheating and under provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act for diversion of funds and other irregularities in the utilisation of loans availed from the bank. "The CBI has conducted searches at office and residential premises of accused including the private company at New Delhi, Dehradun (Uttarakhand) and Mumbai (Maharashtra), etc. which led to recovery of incriminating documents/articles etc.," a CBI spokesperson said. It was alleged that the accused entered into a conspiracy to cheat Punjab National Bank (erstwhile e-United Bank of India), he said. "In pursuance of the said conspiracy, the accused misappropriated the sanctioned credit ...
ED said that Priti was hand-in-glove with husband Mehul Choksi in getting companies incorporated for him for laundering and siphoning of proceeds of crime and utilising and projecting them untainted
Parab was deported to India from Cairo in Egypt earlier in the day, as per the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) officials
Inconsistencies between the Companies Act and the Issue of Capital Regulations to be debated before SAT
Dominican govt said to reject the habeas corpus petition filed on behalf of businessman Mehul Choksi who had claimed that he was abducted and forcefully brought to the Caribbean island nation
Choksi, 62, and his nephew Nirav Modi are accused of siphoning off Rs 13,500 crore from state-run Punjab National Bank using fraudulent letters of undertaking
A special PMLA court on Thursday kept in abeyance the warrant issued against the sister and brother-in-law of fugitive diamond merchant Nirav Modi till further orders.
Banks, NBFCs are estimated to have given Rs 3,587 crore to company accused of criminal conspiracy, cheating
Fugitive diamond trader Nirav Modi's sister and her husband on Thursday approached a court here seeking cancellation of non-bailable warrant against them in the Punjab National Bank (PNB) fraud case.
District Judge directed Nirav Modi's appearance from a room in Wandsworth Prison in south-west London with social distancing norms
Here are the top headlines of the day
The judge allowed the additional evidence to be introduced but agreed that Modi's defence team would require enough time to "digest" them
Two additional charges of "causing the disappearance of evidence" and intimidating witnesses or criminal intimidation to cause death were added on by the CBI and certified earlier this year
Enforcement Directorate had earlier moved an application before a special PMLA court here to declare Choksi a fugitive economic offender
Bankers feel inhibited talking about frauds for fear of loss of reputation. Large frauds usually come to light after 54 months
Modi has been behind bars at Wandsworth prison since his arrest on March 19 on an extradition warrant executed by Scotland Yard on charges brought by the Indian government.
Choksi has secured a passport from Antigua and Barbuda
While RBI's supervisory bureaucracy was blindsided on PNB, it gave the sense of having put sound systems in place
According to the ED, Kulkarni was linked to overseas businesses of Choksi, and was a director in a Hong Kong-based 'dummy firm' linked to the latter
Kulkarni, who was arrested under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), was produced before a court in Kolkata on Tuesday