Integrated fund and management development platform Welspun One on Wednesday said it has initiated the process to raise Rs 4,000 crore, which is drawing substantial interest, especially from global investors. It will also broaden the platform's investor base and position it as a node for international investors seeking exposure to India's rapidly evolving logistics landscape, Welspun One said. The fundraising is a key milestone in the company's strategy to double its portfolio size from 16 million sq ft to around 32 million sq ft by 2028, the company said, adding that it has already identified a robust pipeline of around 8 million sq ft across multiple assets. It has an active pipeline to deploy around Rs 1,500 crore in new-age, capital-intensive logistics assets, Welspun One noted. "By aligning with global partners who bring unmatched expertise and capabilities, we are not only securing capital but also setting a new standard for efficiency, adaptability, and long-term value ...
Separate call auction session proposed to mitigate final hour volatility
Churn in holdings will attract higher tax; no-pass through advantage like MFs, AIFs
Gandhi spoke on the insurer's distribution and product portfolio plans which are expected to drive the premium growth of the company
Book profits in mid- and small-cap segments, allocate money to fixed income and gold
A rule-based approach in mutual fund investments will protect you from disappointment
US markets have seen significant corrections in the last 18 months and 10-15% allocation to US equities in a staggered way can be a prudent diversification, says Ajit Deshmukh, Equirus Wealth MD
Financing will help Elev8 identify investment opportunities in Indian technology companies
At a time when there are many risks and uncertainties in the global economy, a 20 per cent allocation to gold ETFs in an investment portfolio during Diwali is ideal, said Quantum AMC
India relative bright spot in the world; 6.8 per cent growth rate 'really a good number': Senior executive
Top executives of Temasek, which has doubled its India portfolio in the past five years to $16 billion, said the fund made several successful exits from India in FY 22
We have raised cash levels across several of our funds, both for funding redemption pressure as well as pouncing on emerging opportunities, Bhaskar said
Long-only funds are down 5.85 per cent on a median basis over the last month, according to data from tracker PMS Bazaar
Overseas limit for MFs must be reviewed
The report covering 26 markets across North America, Europe, Asia and Africa singled out Australia as a notable laggard
Those who have goals coming up in the near term should book profits in equity MFs
Have a horizon of 5-7 years and limit allocation to 15-20% of equity portfolio
Movng to stronger, more diversified ones will be prudent
Use the LRS route to start investing in property or children's education
Equities tend to be volatile in the short term but can offer good returns over the long term