Market participants said the industry can tap into NRI investments waiting on the sidelines, which is yet to translate into flows on account of some of these operational challenges
SBI's subsidiary SBIFMPL is the fourth-largest asset manager in India and caters to HNIs along with domestic and offshore investors
In the absence of easy availability of PMS data, investors have to depend on advisors
Irrespective of whether Sebi raises the investment threshold for PMS, investors themselves must avoid risks they cannot stomach
Minimum ticket size of Rs 2.5 million not adequate to discourage retail investors; 2- or 4-fold increase on the anvil
With fund managers beginning to sound warning signals, it is best to be extra careful
Non-discretionary assets grew 25% to Rs 0.87 trillion in December 2017
Setting up one's own portfolio management services can be more rewarding monetarily and offers greater flexibility to own a concentrated portfolio
The trend has gained currency in the aftermath of the capping of MF commissions