Chief Minister Hemant Soren on Sunday took cognizance on "stopping" of potato-laden vehicles to Jharkhand on Bengal borders, allegedly restricting the supply to the state, an official statement said. The CM directed chief secretary Alka Tiwari to deal with the matter with immediate effect, it said. The West Bengal government has allegedly put restriction on interstate supply of the tuber since Thursday in a bid to maintain the stock and keep the price of potato under control in its state, according to a potato traders' association in West Bengal. On the CM's direction, Tiwari spoke to West Bengal chief secretary Manoj Pant over phone for disposal of the matter, according to the official statement. "Pant has assured that a committee will be formed soon to sort out the issue of potato supply," it said. The price of potato has shot up by Rs 5 a kg in Jharkhand's retail market in the past two days after neighbouring West Bengal reportedly restricted the supply of the tuber, according
Potato traders of West Bengal threatened to go on strike on Tuesday if the state government does not lift restrictions on selling to other states. West Bengal recently re-imposed curbs on selling potatoes to neighbouring states in an effort to control the prices in the local markets. Potatoes are retailing at Rs 35-40 per kg in the local markets. Following the decision of the state government, police have intensified surveillance at inter-state borders to prevent the transportation of potatoes out of the state. This has led to several trucks being stranded at border crossings. "We will go on strike from Tuesday if the government does not lift the restrictions," Progressive Potato Traders' Association secretary Lalu Mukherjee told PTI. He criticised the government's decision, stating, "Such abrupt measures disrupt our business and cause huge losses as we fail to fulfil commitments." Traders and cold storage associations blamed the state government for failing to control prices in t
The price of potato has shot up by Rs 5 a kg in Jharkhand's retail market in the past two days after neighbouring West Bengal reportedly restricted the supply of the tuber, an official said on Saturday. In a bid to maintain the stock and keep the price of potato under control, the West Bengal government has allegedly put a restriction on interstate supply of the tuber, according to a potato traders' association in West Bengal. West Bengal meets 60 per cent of Jharkhand's potato demand round the year, while the rest of the demand is met by Uttar Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and local production. "Around 50-55 trucks, each containing 20-22 tonnne of potato, arrive in Jharkhand from West Bengal. We were informed that the trucks were stopped at Bengal check posts from Thursday, which fuelled the prices of potato in wholesale as well as retail markets from Friday in the state," Agriculture Produce Marketing Committee (APMC), Jamshedpur, secretary Abhishek Anand told PTI. He said
Often dubbed 'second bread', potatoes are a staple of the Ukrainian diet, with average consumption at about 130 kg per person a year, well above average bread consumption of up to 20 kg a year
Among the vegetables that constitute the trio of TOP (tomato, onion, and potato), tomato is believed to experience the most volatility in prices
The Central Potato Research Institute is expected to start a plant to convert potato waste into ethanol by targeting peels and the starch from potato washing water as key components for conversion
Odisha Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi on Sunday spoke to his West Bengal counterpart Mamata Banerjee and requested her to improve potato supply. During a telephonic conversation, Majhi said the supply of potatoes to Odisha had improved after their meeting in New Delhi, but now the situation deteriorated again. The CM urged his West Bengal counterpart Mamata Banerjee to intervene in the matter and resolve the problem, the Chief Minister's Office (CMO) said in a statement. "Banerjee has assured him of appropriate steps to resolve the issue," it said. The Odisha CM dialled Banerjee after the West Bengal Police allegedly installed CCTV cameras on the border villages to check unauthorized transportation of potatoes to Odisha. The Odisha government has started selling potatoes at Rs 100 for 3 kg in retail shops across the state under the public distribution system (PDS). Odisha Food Supply and Consumer Welfare Minister K C Patra on Sunday said potatoes have been sent to various plac
A day after West Bengal potato traders called off their indefinite strike, dispatch of tubers from cold storages surged by 30-35 per cent to fill the demand vacuum, officials said on Thursday. The traders' body said they would continue to adjust supplies in an effort to stabilise prices. "Since last night, around 8 lakh packets of 50kg each have been dispatched compared to the normal daily average of 6 lakh packets," said Progressive Potato Traders' Association secretary Lalu Mukherjee on Thursday. He assured the state government of adequate supply and asserted that traders would refrain from exporting the produce to other states for now, as the government has pledged to address local concerns first. Rabindranath Kole from the Traders Forum and a state task force member said, "The news of the strike withdrawal has led to some price reduction, but a significant decrease will be seen at the wholesale level, which hovered at Rs 34 per kg, once the produce hits the market in sufficient
German agrochemicals giant Bayer on Monday said it has agreed to collaborate with Dutch potato breeding company Solynta for commercialisation and distribution of true potato seeds in Kenya and India. The partnership marks Bayer's entry into the global potato market and represents its first collaboration with Solynta, a specialist in developing hybrid potato varieties. According to Bayer, the initiative aims to introduce true potato seeds as an alternative to traditional seed tubers. These seeds require only 25 grams per hectare compared to 2,500 kg of seed tubers, offering significant logistical and disease-control advantages. Bayer will leverage its distribution networks in Kenya and India to commercialise Solynta's hybrid potato varieties, targeting smallholder farmers in remote areas, it said in a statement. "We expect these true potato seeds to have a positive impact on local communities and on food and nutritional security in Kenya and India," Bayer's Crop Science Division Hea
PepsiCo India has initiated trials to replace palm oil and palmolein with a combination of sunflower oil and palmolein in Lay's chips
According to agriculture experts, the young and educated farmers of Rajasthan are experimenting and abandoning the traditional crops in their fields
The potato chips market is valued at Rs 9,000 crore, with PepsiCo's Lay's brand as the dominant player
India has started exporting potatoes to Guyana for the first time and the move will help in new markets for the country's shipments, a senior commerce ministry official said on Monday. "Two containers of potatoes sourced directly from farmer producer organisation of Madhya Pradesh were exported to Guyana. It was a new product of export to a new market," Additional Secretary in the commerce ministry Rajesh Agrawal told reporters here. Further, Agrawal said a mutual recognition agreement will be signed with Korea to promote trade of organic products and it is likely to be signed this year.
The kitchen staple may, however, be responsible for its spike in July
Pepsi had filed an appeal under the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Act, 2001, challenging the December 3, 2021, order
Earlier, it was allowed till June 30 this year
Prices of these three commodities have seen perhaps the wildest fluctuations in agriculture commodities among all crops for multiple reasons
Sharp drop in onion and potato prices since last few weeks have forced farmers to dump their produce in fields as selling price is far less than even cost of carrying produce to the market
Onion prices will stay depressed till the arrival of the long shelf life rabi or winter crop in the markets in mid-March, experts said on Tuesday. There is a supply glut in the market which has led to events like farmers getting a pittance of their input costs for the produce and also angry farmers halting trading at Asia's biggest market place Lasalgaon in Maharashtra, on Monday, they said. Independent farm sector analyst Deepak Chavan told PTI that there are a variety of reasons for the current spate of troubles which has led to panic selling by farmers as the shelf life of the late kharif harvest is too small, and called for government intervention. Chavan said more farmers sowed the 'late kharif' variety rather than the kharif variety this year leading to an increase in acreage and estimated that productivity has gone up by up to 20 per cent leading to the current situation. Prolonged rains delayed sowing and many farmers opted for the 'late kharif' variety. They also saw a ..
Godrej Yummiez, a brand of ready-to-cook products from Godrej Tyson Foods (GTFL), expanded its vegetarian portfolio with the launch of Godrej Yummiez Crispy Potato Starz