On an average, more than 11,600 Delhiites have opted in for power subsidy per hour, filing application with the discoms, since the process was launched by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday afternoon, officials said. Around 6.15 lakh power consumers in Delhi had applied for the subsidy by 5.40 pm on Friday. These included 2,58,852 BRPL, 1,73,875 BYPL, 1,78,584 TPDDL and 2,351 NDMC consumers, they said. The chief minister, at a press conference on Wednesday, had said power consumers in Delhi will get subsidy from October 1 only if they demand it by submitting offline or online applications. He had launched a phone number 70113 11111 for consumers to give a missed call or send WhatsApp message to opt for the subsidy. In the first two days, up to 5.30 pm on Thursday, around 3.4 lakh consumers had applied for power subsidy. More than 90 per cent of 58 lakh power consumers in Delhi digitally pay their electricity bills. Presently, consumers having up to 200 units of monthly .
A third player starts operations, pointing to the potential of this nascent business
The Telangana government has decided to wage a legal battle against the Centre's direction to pay Rs 6,757 crore power dues to Andhra Pradesh
Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Friday said political parties that come to power on pre-poll promises of freebies should pay for those through budgetary provisions. Citing the example of free electricity being promised in many states, the finance minister said the burden for the freebies should not be thrust upon the power discoms or gencos. "If a promise has been made to the people at the time of the election, you are looking at a quid pro quo. You should be, as a responsible party, assume after you come to power, make a provision in the budget for it," Sitharaman said, speaking at the FE Best Bank Awards event here. She said in the case of the power sector, there have been cases where states have paid the utilities in parts or not paid at all. "You end up shifting the burden to the discom which has not gone to the election. The discom has not asked for votes. Why should they be burdened? Do they have the power to stop continuing the supply? And similarly the gencos,"
The Delhi government's charging plan for electric vehicles has incentives for battery swapping facility operators and one public charging point for 15 EVs by 2024, a new policy document has said. The government will also have the power distribution companies, or the discoms, studying the impact of EV charging on the grid. Delhi government on Monday released the charging action plan' for electric vehicles on completion of two years of its EV Policy that was first launched in 2020. The plan said that the biggest hindrance to the large-scale adoption of electric vehicles is inadequate charging infrastructure. Titled Charging/Swapping Infrastructure Action Plan for 2022-25', the document said that the national capital will operationalise the incentive provided to battery swapping facility operators in the Delhi EV policy. The plan said that if the battery is not sold with the vehicle, up to 50 per cent of the purchase incentive would be provided to energy operators to ensure that the
The power ministry's plan to become an intermediary in the sale of green power generation to states is only a limited solution to the larger problem facing state discoms
PM Modi announced a Rs 3 trillion package for reforms in the power distribution sector, while blaming 'freebies culture' for their mounting dues. Will the package address problems of the power sector?
States and UTs, in total, owe over Rs 1 trillion to gencos and about Rs 1.3 trillion to discoms, with Maharashtra owing the maximum
PM Modi highlighted the financial problems being faced by the power utilities and asked the states to clear the dues as soon as possible
Delhi's power purchase cost has risen by 300% since 2014 but the tariff has only risen by 90%
New far-off plants are costlier and start supplying power much after the older ones have been run at peak. This summer, despite the call to phase out plants over 25 years, they've proved their worth
The dues of RE power generators have increased by close to 40 per cent since January, the highest among all categories of gencos
As on Dec 14, total dues of discoms towards gencos was Rs 98,682 cr; If the disputed amount is included, the dues stand at Rs 1.09 trn, inching closer to the record highs of last year
Total outstanding dues owed by electricity distribution companies to power producers rose 3.3 per cent year-on-year to Rs 116,127 crore in October
Ghosts of mounting financial losses and worsening technical performance still haunt; discoms would need to walk many extra miles to become eligible for the new package
Centre looking to overhaul power transmission system in states
Discoms should improve recovery, says power secretary
Power ministry has made the suggestion in order to reduce the retail tariff for consumers and reduce burden of regular payment on the discoms
IPO-bound Sterlite looks at growth in power transmission infra and power equipment industry
The pressure to re-negotiate contracts to reduce tariffs and the viability of power distribution companies are some of these.