Under the Sebi norms, a company is required to make the final application to stock exchanges for delisting within one year of passing the special resolution
"The direction of the WTM to deposit a sum of Rs 1,292.46 crore is wholly arbitrary and has been passed without any application of mind," the tribunal said
Sebi has directed Prabhat Dairy to despoist Rs 1,292 crore in an escrow bank account
On September 5, the company had informed the bourses that it was mulling to voluntarily delist the equity shares of the company from stock exchanges.
Apple fans will be able to watch the unveiling of the awaited iPhone 11 lineup on YouTube this year
So far in CY2019, the stock of the company has underperformed the frontline index by plummeting 28 per cent YTD, as against a 1.6 per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex.
Shares plummet almost 30% from intra-day high on concerns that minority shareholders may not gain much from the deal with Groupe Lactalis