India's largest telecom operator Reliance Jio marked its 8th anniversary milestone on Thursday doling out offers on select recharge plans for its users. According to information on website, those recharging between September 5 and September 10 will get three benefits worth Rs 700 with quarterly plans of Rs 899 and Rs 999 as well as annual plan of Rs 3,599. Benefits on offer include subscription to 10 OTTs and 10 GB data pack with 28 day-validity worth Rs 175, subscription to three months of gold membership of Zomato at no cost among others benefits. The two offerings -- Rs 899 and Rs 999 plans -- currently have daily data limit of 2GB and have validity of 90 days and 98 days, respectively, while Rs 3,599 plan comes with daily data quota of 2.5 GB, valid for 365 days. It is pertinent to mention here that in September 2016, Jio's entry with free voice calls and cheap data rates dislodged well-entrenched rivals, and the Mukesh Ambani-led telco subsequently emerged as the natio
The Airtel World Pass international roaming plans offer significantly higher value in terms of data and voice benefits, Airtel said in a statement
Reliance Jio has discontinued most of its Disney+ Hotstar prepaid plans in India, leaving only two options available
Reliance Jio 6th Anniversary: India's biggest Internet service provider completes six years in the market. Read this detailed report on newly announced Jio offers, plans and benefits
Reliance Jio announced the Independence Day Prepaid Plan at Rs 2,999 per year, with benefits worth Rs 3,000. Read this article to know what to expect and how you can avail yourself of these benefits
India's largest telecom operator Reliance Jio has launched Rs 259 plan that comes with calendar month validity to help prepaid users remember just one recharge date every month.
The new Rs 1,499 plan lets users enjoy a 1-Year Disney+ Hotstar Premium subscription, along with 2 GB data per day, 84 days validity, unlimited voice, 100 SMS per day and subscription to Jio Apps
Jio did not issue a statement on its offering. A company source said that Jio continues to introduce promotional offers time to time to provide value to customers
Company is the first to raise tariffs and its rivals are likely to follow suit, say experts.
Analysts have predicted a muted June quarter for telecom companies due to slow smartphone sales amid lockdowns, free recharges and moderate subscriber additions
The move is likely to help millions of prepaid phone subscribers in the country.
The new plans listed on the website start from Rs 127 for 15 days validity, offering 12 GB of uncapped daily data over the plan period.
Vodafone Idea and Airtel customers have time until midnight of December 3, 2019 to recharge at old rates before new tariffs kick in
Jio's Rs 149 plan with 1.5 GB data will cost Rs 199 and 3-month plan with the same data limit will cost Rs 555, a jump of 39%
Users will be able to purchase one-month or three-month prepaid plans for YouTube Premium and Music Premium in India, the official blog notes.
Here are the value-for-money prepaid recharge offers from leading telecom operators