Electric vehicle maker OPG Mobility, formerly Okaya EV, is seeking to raise around Rs 400 crore within the next 18-24 months to fuel its growth plans as it embarks on product portfolio and network expansion drive, according to its Managing Director Anshul Gupta. The company, which underwent a rebranding exercise recently, will house its two-wheeler division under the 'Ferrato' brand and plans to launch two new electric scooters and one electric motorcycle with two variants this year, Gupta told PTI. Besides, the three-wheeler division under 'OTTOPG' will see foray into electric passenger segment this year and the company is working to enhance its sales and service network expansion across India as it prepares to rope in investors to prepare for the long term, he added. "The idea will be to get a private equity, either strategic investor or non strategic investor, either of the two, and then build from there, and eventually, succeed in the long race," Gupta said when asked if OPG ..
FMCG major Marico, which is diversifying its portfolio, expects one-fourth of the domestic revenue to come from foods and premium personal care segments in the next two years by 2026-27, according to its annual report. Besides, Marico expects a "gradual uptick" in the growth of its core categories, helped by improving macro-indicators and the forecast of a normal monsoon. It expects "domestic revenue growth to outpace volume growth from Q1FY25, in light of the upward bias in prices of some of the key commodities". Marico's consolidated revenue growth has moved into "positive territory in Q4 and is expected to trend upwards during the course of FY25", said the company which owns brands such as Sffola, Parachute, Hair & Care, Nihar and Livon etc. For the financial year ended on March 31, 2024, Marico's consolidated turnover was at Rs 9,653 crore, down 1 per cent. Its domestic revenue was Rs 7,132 crore, 3 per cent lower than the last year. As per the strategy, the Mariwala ...
The near term trigger is a 22 per cent rise in housing units registered in Mumbai for May to 12,000 units, the highest for the month in the last twelve years
Investors who can't set up and rebalance a diversified portfolio could consider hybrid funds
UCITS is a regulatory framework of the European Commission for management and sale of mutual funds
We intend to sharpen the focus on bancassurance to steadily and considerably increase its volume, thereby its share in our business, said Kumar
By 2025, Sembcorp aims to quadruple its gross installed renewable energy capacity to 10 Gw
Despite being one of the top players in the industry, HDFC AMC has witnessed a drop in market share in the past year
The MRF-owned toy company is targeting millennial parents with new international brands and a fresh retail and marketing thrust
Their plan to build a product portfolio will discourage global software vendors from building a strategic relationship with these big Indian IT firms