Pradeep Ramwilas Rathi and Subhadra Pradeep Rathi, the two promoters of Sudarshan Chemical Industries, on Wednesday sold a 3 per cent stake in the company for Rs 197 crore through open market transactions. According to the bulk deal data on the BSE, Pradeep Ramwilas Rathi offloaded 7.6 lakh shares of Sudarshan Chemical Industries, while Subhadra Pradeep Rathi sold 20.75 lakh shares. The shares were sold in the price range of Rs 950.04-950 apiece, taking the combined deal value to Rs 197.15 crore. Pursuant to the latest transaction, Subhadra Pradeep Rathi exited the firm by selling entire 1.9 per cent stake in Sudarshan Chemical Industries, while the holding of Pradeep Ramwilas Rathi has declined to 4.95 per cent from 6.05 per cent in the firm. Meanwhile, Boon Investment and Trading Co, Jovial Investment and Trading Co and Blue Daimond Properties picked up 20.22 lakh shares or 2.92 per cent stake in the company. The shares were acquired at an average price of Rs 950 per piece, taki
Of this issue, Rs 1,104 crore will be invested by the promoters of Reliance Infrastructure through the promoter company Risee Infinity Private Limited. Risee will subscribe to 46 million shares
Technical chart shows that MFSL stock is facing some resistance around Rs 1,140 level; while the short-term trend may turn cautious, the overall trend seems positive; check key levels here.
The company subscribed to 6.8 crore equity shares of Jio Payments Bank for its business purposes
Aditya Birla and Adani groups have been aggressively acquiring cement firms to expand their manufacturing units, JSW has not also entered the race
The Congress on Friday said any move to bring down the Union government's stake in 12 public sector banks to less than 51 per cent would continue to be resisted forcefully both in Parliament and outside. The party asserted that the mergers in the public sector banking industry in the last seven years have been broadly accepted only because the Union government's share was not to be reduced to below 51 per cent. Congress general secretary in-charge communications Jairam Ramesh recalled that on this day 55 years ago, then prime minister Indira Gandhi had moved decisively to nationalise 14 banks and opened a whole new chapter in India's economic history. "I have described the background to this momentous event based on archival material in my 'Intertwined Lives: PN Haksar and Indira Gandhi'. DN Ghosh who played a key role along with Haksar has also left a detailed account of it in his very valuable memoir 'No Regrets'," he said. IG Patel was the special secretary in the finance minist
Total promoter holding in the Adani Group flagship firm has now risen to 73.95% from 71.93% last September
There would not be any material impact of this news article on the operations of the company, the company said
M&M's promoter group entity Prudential Management and Services (PMSL) said it has proposed to sell a small number of M&M shares to meet liquidity needs
SWS said it intends to further dilute its remaining stake in Motherson over a medium to long term duration as the latter's diversified business lines are not its core areas of focus and expertise
On September 25th, last year, the Burman family had announced an open offer for REL at Rs 235 per share
The transmission disclosed herein involves a change in the shareholding/voting rights of PMSL as a result of the transmission of certain shares of PMSL, and does not pertain to shares of M&M directly
The funds were raised through the issue to the promoter group and investors in two phases in February and March, 2022
In the past three trading days, Adani Energy Solutions and Adani Power have rallied more than 12 per cent after promoter and foreign portfolio investors (FPI) bought stake via open market
Patanjali Foods on Wednesday said its promoters plan to sell shares to institutional investors in June for dilution of a 6 per cent stake to meet minimum public shareholding norms of 25 per cent. Patanjali Foods Ltd (PFL), erstwhile Ruchi Soya Industries, was acquired in September 2019 by Baba Ramdev-led Patanjali Group through a corporate insolvency resolution process. In an interview with PTI, Ramdev said: "We are planning to meet the minimum shareholding norms as prescribed by the market regulator SEBI." He further said that the company is targeting to dilute around 6 per cent stake in June through Qualified Institutions Placement (QIP) and Offer for Sale (OFS). "We have already started roadshow from Wednesday and there is a great interest from global investors," Ramdev said. At present the public shareholding in PFL stands at 19.18 per cent, which needs to be increased to a minimum of 25 per cent. Rule 19A(5) of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules, 1957 mandates a lis
Mansun Consultancy and its promoters have settled with capital markets regulator Sebi a case on alleged violation of investment advisers norms. Mansun and its promoters/directors -- P R Sundar and Mangayarkarasi Sundar -- paid Rs 15.60 lakh each towards the settlement charges, as per a Sebi order on Thursday. Besides, the terms of the settlement also included the disgorgement of the fees collected by Mansun, along with the 12 per cent per annum interest -- from June 2020 till February 2023 -- of Rs 6.07 crore. In the revised settlement terms, the applicants proposed that Mansun, PR Sundar and Mangayarkarasi "shall refrain from buying, selling or otherwise dealing in securities in India for a period of one year from the date of passing of the settlement order". "The Applicants shall refrain from buying, selling or otherwise dealing in securities markets for a period of one year from the date of passing of the settlement order," Sebi's Chief General Manager Anitha Anoop, said in the
The promoters have filled out a form to increase the stake and the due diligence process takes about 90-180 days as per RBI norms, said CEO Sumant Kathpalia
The Group refuted The Ken news report, stating it as "baseless and deliberately mischievous".
Extant Sebi rules require disclosure of pledge of promoters' equity, but there's nothing that requires disclosure of the effective leverage
Prominent promoters have recently offloaded stake in companies like TVS Motor, GMM Pfaudler via block deals, few others plan to do so in the near future.