Registration of residential properties in Noida and Greater Noida rose 6 per cent during the July-September period to 8,128 units, according to Square Yards. As many as 7,693 units were registered in Noida and Greater Noida in the year-ago period. In a statement on Monday, real estate consultant Square Yards said a total of 8,128 transactions were registered in Noida and Greater Noida in the September quarter of 2024, representing a 6 per cent year-on-year (YoY) increase. Greater Noida leads the rally, accounting for 62 per cent of these transactions between July and September 2024. Registration of homes in Noida increased 15 per cent to 3,127 units from 2,720 units, while Greater Noida saw a marginal 1 per cent increase to 5,001 units from 4,973 units during the period under review. "The combined registered home sales value for Noida and Greater Noida rose to Rs 6,328 crore, marking a substantial 34 per cent YoY growth," the consultant said. "Noida and Greater Noida's residentia
Indian households, Desai wrote, are still under-invested in equities. At cost, only 3 per cent of the household balance sheet is in equities, excluding equity holdings of founders.
The transaction which was finalized in October 2024, incurred a stamp duty payment of Rs. 56.37 lakh and a registration fee of Rs. 30,000.
Local governments will be allowed to use special bonds to buy unsold homes, Finance Minister Lan Fo'an announced
Registration of properties in the Mumbai municipal area fell 14 per cent year-on-year in September to over 9,100 units on lower demand, according to Knight Frank. As many as 10,694 units were registered in the year-ago period. In August this year, the registration of properties stood at 11,631 units. "The decline in home registrations in September 2024 can be primarily attributed to the inauspicious days of 'Shraadh', which constituted 12 days of the month in 2024, when traditionally individuals refrain from making significant purchases or engaging in high-value transactions," Knight Frank said in a statement. In 2023, Shraadh was observed from 29 September to 14 October. Knight Frank has compiled the data on the registration of properties from the Department of Registrations and Stamps, Maharashtra government. The data includes sales in both primary (fresh) and secondary (re-sale) markets.
The 61-and-above age cohort has emerged as the fastest-growing segment, surpassing all other age groups in market share growth
The first half of 2024 witnessed a surge in the luxury housing market in the Delhi-NCR region, driven by affluent buyers, enhanced amenities, and major infrastructure projects, according to CBRE
Shanghai's luxury real estate market is a bright spot in China's bleak property sector
Recovery of debt from stressed residential realty projects is set to increase in the current financial year due to higher property prices as well as changes in rules, a report said on Monday. The bad loan recovery rate is estimated to touch 16-18 per cent at the end of FY25 from 11 per cent as on March 31, 2024, domestic rating agency Crisil said in a report. "This will be driven by improved viability of stressed projects due to healthy demand and price appreciation seen in residential real estate and greater investor and promoter interest in reviving such projects," the agency said. It added that recent amendments to the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) regulations for real estate projects should also strengthen resolution of stressed real estate assets in the medium term. The agency said it analysed the performance of its portfolio comprising security receipts of Rs 9,000 crore from 70 stressed realty projects with a saleable area of 66 million square feet while ..
Waiting for interest rates to soften is also not advisable, warn experts
"Commercial real estate capital markets remained under significant pressure in the third quarter," CEO Bob Sulentic said in a statement
Refund can be sought from the developer even if you had earlier consented to alterations
Mumbai real estate sector is likely to witness a momentary slowdown in the next few months, but the long-term direction remains upward, said Anarock
Golf Course Road is a well-developed luxury micro market in Gurgaon which has been in high demand from the HNIs and luxury buyers alike
Delhi-NCR saw the highest increase in residential prices at 16% year-on-year, followed by Kolkata and Bengaluru with 15% and 14% increase, respectively.
Due to the hike in land allotment rates, people will have to spend more money in setting up industries and building houses
As per the new rates notified by the government, the circle rates of a housing project on Golf Course Road have been increased and now a homebuyer will have to pay higher taxes
Of 68 land deals closed in nine months of 2022, nearly 40 deals comprising over 590 acres are proposed for residential development
Property tax is one of the major sources of revenue for local governments/Urban Local Bodies (ULBs)
MMR and Hyderabad witnessed the highest new launches in Q3 2022, with approx. 36,000 units and 15,530 units, respectively