India's import of pulses rose 90 per cent annually to 47.38 lakh tonnes during 2023-24 to meet domestic demand, the government informed Parliament on Tuesday. "All India production of pulses has increased from 163.23 lakh tonnes during 2015-16 to 244.93 lakh tonnes during 2023-24 (as per 3rd Advance Estimates)," the Minister of State for Agriculture Ram Nath Thakur said in a written reply to the Lok Sabha. In 2021-22, import of pulses stood at 26.99 lakh tonnes, while exports were at 3.87 lakh tonnes. During 2022-23, imports of pulses stood at 24.96 lakh tonnes, while exports were 7.62 lakh tonnes. In 2023-24, the imports of pulses were 47.38 lakh tonnes and exports stood at 5.94 lakh tonnes. "During the last ten years i.e. 2014-15 to 2023-24 (as per 3rd Advance Estimates), total pulses and oilseeds production has increased by 43 per cent and 44 per cent, respectively," Thakur said. In reply to a separate question, the minister said the government has substantially enhanced the b
The minimum support prices (MSPs) for both kharif and rabi seasons 2023-24 ensured a minimum return of 50 per cent over the cost of production for all crops, said the Reserve Bank's Annual Report released on Thursday. The overall public stock of foodgrains as on March 31, 2024 stood at 2.9 times the total quarterly buffer norm, the report said. On November 29, 2023, the government extended the scheme of free distribution of foodgrains under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY) for five more years, effective from January 1, 2024. The report, which is a statutory report of RBI's central board of directors, noted that the agriculture and allied activities faced headwinds from the uneven and deficient south-west monsoon (SWM) rainfall coinciding with strengthening El Nino conditions. The overall SWM rainfall in 2023 (June-September) was 6 per cent below long period average (LPA) at the all-India level. As per the second advance estimates, the production of kharif and r
At the end of February, the central stock declined to approximately 1.97 million tonnes against the buffer norm of 3.1 mt. DoCA aims to procure 80% of buffer stock requirements
The Union Food and Consumer Affairs Ministry on Monday asserted that it will continue to monitor domestic stocks of tur and urad dals, and take measures to ensure that traders disclose their inventories properly. According to an official statement, senior officers from the Department of Consumer Affairs visited 10 various locations across four states to interact and observe the stock disclosure status of tur and urad during the past few days. Consumer Affairs Secretary Rohit Kumar Singh took an internal meeting with these officers who visited major pulses markets and interacted with various market players. During the last week, a meeting with the All India Dal Mills Association in Indore was held on April 15. That apart, the department deputed 12 senior officers to visit various places in Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu to take stock of ground reality. "The interactions with ground-level market players and State officials revealed that while the number of ...
The controversial overflowing granaries have come in handy to feed the poor during the Covid-19 lockdown. But should that be used as an argument to raise buffer stocking norms?
The government is disposing of stocks through e-auction to private traders, army and paramilitary forces as well as states besides for central welfare schemes
The concerned ministries, implementing various schemes, have been asked to provide their requirement for pulses