All four BJP candidates, including Union minister L Murugan, and one Congress candidate from Madhya Pradesh filed their nominations on Thursday for the Rajya Sabha elections to be held later this month. Murugan, BJP Kisan Morcha's national vice president Banshilal Gurjar, state party women's wing chief Maya Naroliya and Valmiki Dham Ashram head Umesh Nath Maharaj, who has been nominated by the BJP, filed their nominations before the returning officer in the state assembly complex here. Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav, former CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan, state BJP president V D Sharma and ministers including Kailash Vijayvargiya and Prahlad Patel were present on the occasion. Earlier, Yadav welcomed Umesh Nath Maharaj and Murugan on their arrival in the state capital Bhopal for filing their nominations for the Rajya Sabha polls scheduled on February 27. The Election Commission had on January 29 released the date for the Rajya Sabha elections to 56 seats from 15 states, includ
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday took a swipe at Congress Rajya Sabha leader Mallikarjun Kharge for his '400 paar' speech
Sansad TV, which broadcasts live Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha proceedings said the channel's Youtube name was changed to "Ethereum" by the attacker
Prime Minister Narendra Modi is slated to launch Sansad TV, a new channel formed by merging the Lok Sabha TV and Rajya Sabha TV, on September 15
The TMC Wednesday alleged that Rajya Sabha Television, which airs the proceedings of the House live, is "censoring content" on Opposition protests.
The presiding officers of both houses of Parliament have set the ball rolling for the merger of Lok Sabha TV and Rajya Sabha TV into a single entity
Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha TV channels have been merged into one channel- Sansad television.Retired IAS officer Ravi Capoor has been appointed the Chief Executive Officer of the channel for a period of one year with immediate effect, or until further orders, whichever is earlier, read a order by Sunil Minocha, the under secretary of Sansad Television.
A A Rao could be asked to fill the post vacated by Gurdeep Singh Sappal