History may have served our family well, but we are serving it somewhat poorly
What is common to Kisari Mohan Ganguli and Manmatha Nath Dutt? Towards end of the 19th century, both translated the Mahabharata, in unabridged form, from Sanskrit to English
The many versions of the Ramayana within the country are well known, but the text has also travelled into the rest of Asia, taking on forms that would be unrecognisable to many among its followers
As our political leaders vie for eternal glory and cast their heroes in two-dimensional moulds, our ability to live with many truths is fast disappearing
In contrast to Rama, Sita presents a picture of consistency, although she accepts the secondary role
Allu Aravind, Namit Malhotra and Madhu Mantena have joined hands to make a film on the epic
Three young filmmakers from the US want to recreate the Indian mythological story, to cater to the global audience.