Tech giant Google has introduced a new 'Reading practice' feature for its Play Books Android application and Kids Space, which will help new readers independently improve their vocabulary
We appear to be natural at reading, but is that true?
To understand how the virus affected people's everyday lives, the ABS ran a fortnightly survey with the same group of 1,000 people from April 1 to July 10. Here are some of the key findings
ADX has a strong significance from a long-term perspective. However, recent years have seen traders using it for a short-to-medium term perspective.
Police blocked off several roads, and photos showed two air ambulances nearby
Who wants to read about disease, or be reminded of one's mortality, during a pandemic?
In such dire times, the incessant social media discourse and the flurry of think pieces on a New Yorker short story gives me immense hope for the world