Reliance Industries has committed to make new investments in Tamil Nadu in the renewable energy space, said its Chairman and Managing Director, Mukesh D Ambani on Sunday. Reliance Industries would also inaugurate its state-of-the-art data centre that has been set up in partnership with Canada-based Brookfield Asset Management and US-based Digital Reality. In his virtual address at the inaugural function of the Global Investors Meet 2024 organised by the Tamil Nadu government, Ambani said, Reliance has proudly partnered in Tamil Nadu's growth over the years. Listing the company's investments in the state, he said, We have opened nearly 1,300 retail stores across the state at an investment of over Rs 25,000 crore. Jio has invested over Rs 35,000 crore in Tamil Nadu, bringing the fruits of digital revolution to 35 million subscribers in every town and village in the state." The video message was played in the presence of Union Commerce Minister Piyush Goyal, Chief Minister M K Stalin
Reliance has appointed Indian law firm Khaitan & Co and Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas, while Disney has roped in AZB & Partners, the people said
Reliance Group's combined market-cap at Rs 18.97 trillion, however, is way ahead of Adani Group's Rs 15.1 trillion
Having created businesses ranging from world's largest single-location oil refining complex to nation's largest mobile network operators in just few years, billionaire Mukesh Ambani says his group Reliance Industries Ltd will never be complacent and will grow to be among the top 10 business conglomerates of the world. Addressing employees on Reliance Family Day - the birthday of the group's founder Dhirubhai Ambani, he said Reliance is now aiming to consolidate a place among global leaders in digital data platforms and AI adoption. "Today, the domestic and global environments for business are changing very fast. There is simply no room for complacency," he said. "Reliance was never complacent in the past, and Reliance will never be complacent in future." Reliance, he said, is known for "disrupting the market through constant innovation and reinvention." Starting with a small textile manufacturing unit in Mumbai, Reliance did backward integration -- it ventured into petrochemicals .
'You can easily multiply capacity, but the biggest challenge to do any larger project in India is availability of land, availability of evacuation, funding, and the offtake agreement'
Reliance General Insurance Company Ltd (RGICL) on Saturday said it has launched a new policy to make global healthcare accessible to Indians. The policy, Reliance Health Global, provides comprehensive cover not only within the borders of India but across the world, RGICL said in a statement. The policy will cover expenses for overseas treatment, including critical illnesses like cancer and bypass surgery, it added. It also encompasses travel, accommodation, and end-to-end Visa and assistance services, addressing emergencies like lost passports or emergency cash, apart from sum-insured coverage of up to USD 1 million, the company said. The new product also offers benefits ranging from air ambulance to organ donor expenses with no restrictions on room rent. "As India globalises and a lot of Indians keep travelling abroad for work or leisure it's imperative to remove their pain of buying multiple policies separately for India and overseas," Reliance General Insurance CEO Rakesh Jain
All the five listed firms belonging to the late Rahul Bajaj-Group ended with gains amid a rally in the market
But Venezuela's oil output has been volatile, limiting what it can offer for exports
Last year, Business Standard reported that Reliance Retail would foray into the salon business by acquiring a 49% stake in Naturals Salon & Spa
More than 200 petitions, including by Anil Ambani, challenged law on due process
Yields on AAA rated corporate bonds fell by 7 basis points across tenures in the first week of November
The company's revenue from operations was up 10.29 per cent to Rs 6,392.6 crore during the quarter under review against Rs 5,795.8 crore last year
Reliance Power's consolidated net loss narrowed to Rs 237.76 crore in the September quarter due to higher revenues, the company said in a BSE filing on Tuesday. Its consolidated net loss stood at Rs 340.26 crore in the year-ago period, as per the filing. Total income rose to Rs 2,130.83 crore during the quarter, from Rs 1,945.14 crore last year. Reliance Power, a part of the Reliance Group, is the country's leading private sector power generation and coal resources company.
Q2 sales, PBIDT highest ever for firm; marginal miss on PAT
Jio Platforms' earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation (Ebitda) for the quarter was a record Rs 13,528 crore, up 12.6 per cent Y-o-Y
OTT platform JioCinema is set to release another investment show named 'Indian Angels'. The show will increase competition into a space currently dominated nationwide by hit show Shark Tank India
ADIA already holds a 1.20 per cent stake in Reliance Retail Ventures Limited (RRVL), which it bought in October 2020 for Rs 5,512.50 crore ($751 million)
KKR stake in RRVL will go to 1.42% from 1.17%
Reliance Retail Limited's debt-to-equity ratio increased from 1.35 in FY22 to 1.91 in FY23
Asian Games 2022: India's largest-ever contingent comprising 634 athletes will represent the country at the event that will take place from September 23 to October 8 in Hangzhou, China