Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav Wednesday said the state holds immense potential in every sector, and his government was taking steps towards its industrial development. He also said the Regional Industry Conclave (RIC) will prove to be historic for the Vindhya region of the state. "Madhya Pradesh has immense potential in each and every sector. There are lots of possibilities here," Yadav told PTI before the inauguration of the 5th edition of the RIC organised at Krishna Raj Kapoor Auditorium in Rewa. "It is a matter of happiness, especially the way campaigns launched by the government are going on in the state to make it developed from the industrial point of view," he said. Talking about the RIC, he said, "Today will prove to be a very historic day for the Vindhya region which will take it forward in a different manner, especially by making youths competent and associating them with employment which is the necessity of the day." The main objective of the conclave is to
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