Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday accused Congress of ignoring Dr B R Ambedkar's contribution to the development of water resources in the country as he laid the foundation stone of the Ken-Betwa river linking project in Madhya Pradesh. Speaking at the programme at Khajuraho in Bundelkhand region, Modi said that in the 21st century, only the nations with adequate and well-managed water resources can advance. The PM's comments about Ambedkar came amid the controversy over Union Home Minister Amit Shah's recent remarks about the iconic leader and the Congress's nationwide protests over the issue. Ambedkar's vision and farsightedness contributed significantly to the strengthening of the country's water resources, their management and dam construction, Modi said. Ambedkar played a crucial role in the development of major river valley projects and formation of the Central Water Commission, he added. "Ask anyone....after the country got independence, who thought about the ...
The inland waterway will be developed on the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) model
The Covid crisis provides an opportunity to craft a historic renewal programme
The committee has said there needs to be better cooperation among states in a time-bound manner for the linking of rivers
The project is expected to provide 909 million cubic metres of water to Mumbai for the city's domestic and industrial requirements