Union minister R K Singh on Friday said that India has achieved its target of producing 43.6 per cent of its total energy through non-fossil fuel sources nine years ahead of the schedule. The Minister of Power and New and Renewable Energy was addressing the opening session of the G20 14th Clean Energy Ministerial meeting and 8th Mission Innovation meeting in Goa. "India has already achieved the target of producing 43.6 per cent of its total energy through non-fossil fuel sources. The country has achieved nine years ahead of its schedule of 2030," he said. India's installed electricity capacity through non-fossil fuel sources is 183 gigawatts (GW), out of the total capacity of 421 GW. "We have 88 GW under installation and 55 GW tendered out. If you take the capacity which is installed and under installation, that comes to about 270 GW, which is well above 50 per cent of our service capacity," he said. Singh said that India will add 50 GW every year. The minister said that the wor
As many as 14 new power supply firms (discoms) came into existence during the last ten years, and there are 109 discoms in the country at present, Parliament was informed on Thursday. Power is in the concurrent list of the Constitution, but most state utilities are engaged in the power distribution business. "There are 180 numbers of companies presently engaged in power generation and 109 numbers of power-supplying companies (Distribution companies) in the country. 14 numbers of private power supplying companies (Distribution companies) came into existence during the last ten years," Power Minister RK Singh said in a written reply to the Lok Sabha. During the period, Singh informed the House that six government companies turned into joint ventures. Four state-owned discoms in Odisha have turned into joint ventures with a 51 per cent share of Tata Power and the rest with the Odisha government. Further, two state-owed distribution companies/departments -- D&NH Power Distribution ..
R K Singh told officials that by 2030, the country's installed power capacity is likely to grow to over 777 GW
The average electricity availability in rural areas has gone up from 12:30 hours in 2014 to 22:30 hours at present and it also increased to 23:30 hours in cities from 22.30 hours nine years ago, said Union Power Minister R K Singh. Singh said this during a Review Planning & Monitoring (RPM) meeting with states and state power utilities, which was convened on 10th & 11th July 2023 in the capital, under the minister's chairmanship, stated a power ministry statement. The minister mentioned that over the past 7-8 years the government has brought about a sea change in the country's power sector. "We have added 185 GW of capacity transforming our country from power deficit to power surplus. We have connected the whole country with a single unified grid capable of transferring 1,12,000 MW from one corner of the country to another," he said. The government has strengthened the distribution system under DDUGJY and IPDS as well as SAUBHAGYA; constructed more that 2,900 substations, ...
India can also put trade barriers in retaliation to restrictions imposed by some countries, Union Minister R K Singh said on Wednesday. The minister for power, new and renewable energy made the remarks at the first International Conference on Green Hydrogen 2023. There is a huge potential for players looking to invest in green hydrogen manufacturing in India as there are various sectors like steel, cement, transportation where there will be a demand for the clean energy source, he said. "We want the whole world to partner with us and that I think is the solution. The solution is not setting up barriers which some countries have started doing. If you put up barriers we (Indian government) can put up barriers as well," Singh said addressing the attendees which included foreign diplomats and industry leaders from various countries. Without naming any specific country, the minister said his message to such countries will be that India can also put up the same kind of barriers which wou
The latest amendment to tariff rules by the Ministry of Power is expected to impact the electricity bills of consumers in India. Here's how the bills will change
India's power sector underwent a transformation phase to become "surplus" from a deficit in the last nine years, Union Minister R K Singh said on Thursday. More than 185 gigawatt (GW) of generation capacity has been added "transforming the country from a power deficit to a power surplus", the Power and New and Renewable Energy Minister said while addressing a conference on the achievements of his ministry here. The total installed power generation capacity currently is 416 GW. The installed capacity is now close to double the peak demand and India is exporting power to neighbouring countries, he said. The entire world has seen how India's power sector transformed in the last nine years, the minister said. The maximum demand till date has only been 221 GW, he said. For transmission of power, 1.97 lakh circuit kilometres (ckm) of transmission lines have been added connecting the whole country into one grid running on one frequency with the capability of transferring 1.12 lakh MW fro
The two sides also took note of the success of Kenya in renewable energy and discussed the idea of holding a conference by ISA in Kenya
The technology of solar energy generation is becoming more dominant as the world is moving towards net zero carbon emissions, Union Minister for Power and New & Renewable Energy R K Singh said. "With every progressing year, the solar is becoming the more dominant renewable energy generation technology as the world moves towards net zero," the minister said at the standing committee meeting of the International Solar Alliance. The eighth meeting of the standing committee of the International Solar Alliance (ISA) was held in New Delhi on June 6, 2023 under the chairpersonship of Singh, in his capacity as the power minister of India, the current president of the ISA, said a statement from the new and renewable energy ministry. France as co-president of the ISA assembly was the co-chair of the meeting. Some representatives of member countries joined in person, while others joined the meeting online. The eighth meeting of the ISA standing committee discussed ISA demonstration projects .
Union Power and New & Renewable Energy Minister R K Singh has exhorted women to increase participation in the renewable energy sector and steer the country's transition towards net zero emissions. Speaking at a conference on 'Women in Renewable Energy: A Dialogue on Policy, Technology, Skilling, and Finance' on Monday, Singh mentioned India's key achievements in the renewable energy sector and stated that the country's actions are in line with commitments made in the Paris Agreement to limit the temperature increase to well below 2C above pre-industrial levels. As per a statement issued by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Singh exhorted women to increase participation in the renewable energy sector and steer India's transition towards net zero emission. Highlighting the role of women in combating climate change, he emphasized the significance of developing women-centric policies and implementation frameworks in the renewable energy sector. Singh recognised how women are ..
Union Power Minister R K Singh has said that 24x7 quality, reliable and affordable power supply to all the electricity consumers in the country is necessary for India to become a developed nation. The minister emphasised the importance of a viable and modern power sector in the overall economic growth of the country. The Minister for Power, New and Renewable Energy chaired the Review Planning & Monitoring (RPM) meeting with states and state power Utilities, the Ministry of Power said in a statement. Most of the DISCOMs have started implementing the reform measures prescribed by the Ministry of Power under its various initiatives like the Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS), Additional Prudential Norms and Late Payment Surcharge (LPS) Rules 2022, Singh said. The DISCOMs as well as GENCOs have benefitted from the Late Payment Surcharge Rules 2022, the statement dated April 10 said. The Minister also launched the 11th Integrated Rating of Power Distribution Utilities 2022, ..
Power Minister R K Singh on Thursday said the area of subsidence in Joshimath was 15 km upstream from the components of the Tapovan-Vishnugad hydropower project and there were no signs of sinking of ground around its tunnel alignment. In a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha, Singh said land subsidence in Joshimath was "a very old issue" observed way back in 1976 and the M C Mishra Committee set up by the then state government listed "hill wash, natural angle of repose, cultivation area because of seepage and soil erosion" as probable causes for cracks in the Himalayan town. The minister said a multi-institutional committee set up by the state authorities in July last year had made no mention of NTPC Tapovan-Vishnugad hydropower project causing land subsidence in Joshimath. Singh said the construction for the Tapovan-Vishnugad project was started in 2006 after a detailed examination for environmental impact, geological, hydrological and seismic studies by the Geological ..
Outstanding dues of electricity distribution companies (discoms) towards gecos, which remains over Rs 1 lakh crore at any point of time, will be eliminated in the next four years, Union power minister R K Singh said. The government has converted the total outstanding dues of discoms toward gencos (power generator companies) into Equated Monthly Installments (EMIs). These EMIs have maximum tenure of four years and thus the total outstanding dues of discoms would be nil by 2026. "The total outstanding dues of the discoms towards gencos is around Rs 1,13,000 crore. These dues would be totally cleared by 2026," Singh told PTI. Singh explained that the government has put a very robust payment security mechanism for the power sector knowing about the perennial issue of bulging dues of discoms toward gencos. He informed that the power ministry has put in place late payment fee Electricity, (Late Payment Surcharge and Related Matters) Rules, 2022 (LPS Rules 2022) which would trigger snapp
Power Minister RK Singh said that India is committed to reduce the emissions intensity of its GDP by 45% by 2030 and achieve 50% cumulative electric power installed capacity from non-fossil sources
The government will invite bids for battery storage projects from players looking to invest in the renewable energy sector, Union Minister RK Singh said on Wednesday. Bids will also be invited for green hydrogen and green ammonia projects, the power, new and renewable energy minister said at 'India Ideas Summit' organised by the US-India Business Council (USIBC) here. Singh also informed that the bid for 1,000 MW storage project invited by the government earlier has been finalised. "The bids which I got...(are) quite expensive. The only way to bring down the prices of solar is to start manufacturing here. That is what we are going to do...," he said. The minister further said the next round of bids will be under the PLI scheme for grid level only because of the requirement for storage. Other bids in the offing are of green hydrogen and green ammonia, Singh said. The minister, however, did not share any details of the bids it is planning to invite.
India's power network will soon be more future-ready and insulated from cyber attacks with the provision of routine inspections and timely action under the Electricity Amendment Bill, Union Power Minister RK Singh said. Cyber attract threat has been an issue and the government did all what it takes to address that. Now through the Electricity Amendment Bill 2022, the power ministry has made a provision for inspection of the national electricity grid for maintaining cyber hygiene in the network. Talking to PTI, Singh said, "We are facing cyber attacks on our power transmission system. We know from where those are emanating. We have provided (a safeguard) for that, which requires inspection regularly. We need to follow cyber hygiene. "Therefore, we are empowering our central (national) load dispatch centre so that it can do inspections and give directions. We have one grid in the country and if there is some issue in one corner of the nation then the entire grid can collapse. That is
In a written reply to the Lok Sabha, Power Minister R K Singh said electricity supplied grew 12.8% in April 2022, as compared to the year-ago month, across India
"Further, during 2022-23 (April-June), against the requirement of 404.76 Billion Units, the energy supplied was 400.65 BU. There was a shortage of 1% of energy requirement," Union Power Minister said
Renewables paired with energy storage are now cheaper than coal after the fuel's price surged in recent months, while fossil sources are also experiencing a lack of investment, RK Singh said
India's power minister said the current global energy crisis is likely to go on for some time due to the "cartelisation" of the fossil fuel industry, not just because of the Ukraine conflict.