The Mumbai police will likely recreate the crime scene at the Bandra home of Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, who was repeatedly stabbed by an intruder, an official said on Sunday. The accused in the high-profile case, a 30-year-old Bangladeshi man, was arrested in the morning from adjoining Thane city. A court here remanded the man, Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir, in police custody for five days. According to the official, police will likely take Shehzad to Khan's home at Satguru Sharan' building in these five days to recreate the crime scene as part of their investigation. Shehzad sneaked into the Bollywood star's apartment in the early hours of January 16 with the intention of theft, police had said. Preliminary investigation suggests that he climbed the stairs to the seventh-eighth floor of the building where Khan and his actor wife Kareena Kapoor live with their children and domestic staff. He entered the duct area, climbed to the 12th floor using a pipe an
Saif Ali Khan sustained six stab wounds during the assault, which occurred at his Mumbai residence.
Saif Ali Khan, attacked at his Mumbai residence during an attempted robbery, underwent surgery for severe injuries and is now recovering. Mumbai Police has launched a probe to catch the attacker
According to the police, an intruder broke into the house and allegedly attacked Saif Ali Khan before fleeing the scene when other family members woke up
About 30 kg of gold was allegedly robbed at gunpoint from the branch of a gold loan company in Odisha's Sambalpur city, police said on Saturday. The robbery took place at Manappuram Finance's branch on Budharaja Main Road on Friday morning, they said. Besides the gold, the robbers took away over Rs 4 lakh in cash, they added. The gang of robbers barged into the branch just after it had opened. Three employees were held at gunpoint, while the hands and feet of the branch manager were tied, police said. While some of the robbers were busy holding the staff of the branch hostage, the others of the gang acquired the keys and password to the vault and robbed the gold jewellery and cash. Some of them were also guarding the branch outside, according to the FIR. "There were around 7-10 robbers and they were wearing helmets and masks. They fled the spot on motorcycles soon after the robbery," said SDPO Tophan Bag. He said the CCTV footage of the area was being scanned and the employees of
The accused identified as Manjunath would use pigeons, while searching for locked houses and apartments. The police have decoded how he managed to commit 50 robberies
The incident occurred as cash-strapped Pakistan grapples with a severe economic crisis, making it the slowest-growing economy in South Asia
Dotted with palatial bungalows and sprawling campuses, a cluster of three villages stands out as an outlier in Madhya Pradesh's Rajgarh district on economic prosperity. Just that it is powered by activities on the wrong side of the law. The recent theft of valuables worth Rs 1.45 crore by a 14-year-old boy during a wedding at a five-star hotel in Rajasthan capital Jaipur brought these villages Kadiya Sansi, Gulkhedi and Hulkhedi into prominence on the national crime map. The local police estimate that 1,000-1,200 criminal cases have been registered across the country against boys, men, girls and women from these villages. With a population of about 5,000, Kadiya Sansi is the epicentre of the illegal activities. But, it's not easy for enforcement agencies to make arrests here. A police team from Tamil Nadu's Coimbatore, under security cover of the local cops, was attacked in Gulkhedi, under Boda police station, during one such attempt on August 10. Local cases are few but the peop
Ishmeet Singh was recruited by the Indian Army in November 2022 as an Agniveer and was posted in West Bengal but ditched his job to become a gang robber
Ian Cameron murder: The British car designer was stabbed at the doorstep of his $3 million mansion in Germany's Herrsching at Lake Ammersee on Friday evening
The situation in India's ports and anchorages has remained relatively stable, with two incidents of armed robbery against ships reported from January to June 2024, a regional maritime agency said on Wednesday. Comparatively, there were three incidents in the Indian ports and anchorages last year, said Krishnaswamy Natarajan, executive director of the Singapore-based Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against ships in Asia. He pointed out that all such robberies involved stealing nominal items and in some cases engine spares and scrap metals which are in demand in the black market. A total of 12 incidents of armed robbery against ships took place in the Indian Ocean Region from January to June 2024, he told PTI on Wednesday at the released Half-Year Report (JanuaryJune 2024) on Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships (ARAS) in Asia by the ReCAAP Information Sharing Centre (ISC). The majority of these incidents, 10, happened in Bangladesh ports and ..
The burglar was nabbed by the Lucknow police on Sunday morning after neighbours noticed the main door open and found it suspicious since no one currently lives there
No report of piracy incidents occurred on the Asian high seas but 99 actual incidents and one attempted armed robbery against ships occurred in Southeast Asian waters in 2023, a Singapore based maritime organisation reported said on Tuesday. Though the 100 incidents in 2023 increased by 19 per cent over 2022, these were small-time robberies, with theft of items such as nominal value wires, brass ship products, engine spares and scraps, Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery (ReCAAP) executive director Krishnaswamy Natarajan said at the annual press conference. Such incidents were five in India in 2023, the same as those in 2022, while Bangladesh and Malaysia reported one incident each, compared to five and two incidents in 2022, respectively. Reviewing the year, Natarajan pointed out that the increase in incidents occurred in Indonesia, the Philippines, the Straits of Malacca and Singapore (SOMS), Thailand and Vietnam. Of concern was the occurrence of
The Chhattisgarh Police has arrested two people in connection with a Rs 20-crore burglary from a jewellery store in New Delhi earlier this week and recovered around 18.5 kg of gold and diamond ornaments from them, a senior official said on Friday. A joint team of officials from the anti-crime and cyber unit and the Civil Line police station in Bilaspur district carried out the operation while probing a series of thefts in Bilaspur city, Superintendent of Police Santosh Singh told PTI. Those arrested have been identified as Lokesh Srivas (32), who is allegedly involved in several thefts in Bilaspur, and Shiva Chandravanshi (23), he said. The value of gold and diamond ornaments recovered from Srivas is estimated at Rs 12 crore but the exact value was yet to be ascertained, he added. Acting on a tip-off about Srivas being present in Kawardha town of Chhattisgarh's Kabirdham district, the team conducted a raid there on Wednesday and arrested Chandravanshi along with ornaments worth Rs
An Indian national living in Mexico was shot dead and another injured after they were robbed by unknown assailants in Mexico City, with Indian authorities demanding their Mexican counterparts to apprehend the culprits at the earliest. The incident took place on Saturday and the assailants robbed USD 10,000 from the Indian nationals, who have not been identified. They had exchanged the money from the vicinity of the Mexico City International Airport, El Universal newspaper reported. One of them lost his life due to the gunshots he received, and another was treated at the scene, without injuries, the report added. The Indian embassy in Mexico regrets the incident and said that they are in touch with the family and are extending all support. "In an extremely regrettable & heart-wrenching incident, an Indian national living in Mexico has been tragically shot dead. Embassy & @IndianAssoMex are in touch with his family & extending all support. We're demanding Mexican authorities
The Delhi Police has detained 1,600 people in order to catch perpetrators of the robbery In Pragati Maidan in open daylight
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday demanded Lieutenant Governor V K Saxena's resignation after a video purportedly showed armed men intercepting a car inside a busy tunnel in the heart of the city and robbing its occupants at gunpoint. According to police a delivery agent and his associate were allegedly robbed of Rs 2 lakh by the four unidentified men inside the Pragati Maidan tunnel Saturday when the two were going to Gurgaon in a cab to deliver the money. Sharing a video of the purported incident, the chief minister reiterated his demand that Delhi's law and order should be handed over the local government. "LG shud resign. Make way for someone who can provide safety n security to the people of Delhi. (sic)," he said in a tweet, tagging a news report. "If Central govt is unable to make Delhi safe, hand it over to us. We will show u how to make a city safe for its citizens (sic)." The 1.5-km tunnel connects New Delhi with Sarai Kale Khan and Noida. Last week, Kejriwa
Kingpins of Ludhiana's biggest heist arrested after falling into a police trap while visiting Sikh shrine in Uttarakhand
Calvin McDonald, the CEO of Lululemon, defended the firing of two employees who attempted to stop a robbery in one of the stores in May, stating that the employee code of conduct was broken
The Hyderabad Heist is a blow-by-blow account of an audacious theft committed in 2018, and a recounting of how the Hyderabad Police combined technology and human intelligence to crack the case