The Gujarat government announced on Wednesday its new cottage and rural industries policy, offering higher loans and subsidies to artisans and entrepreneurs to set up units in the state. Minister of Cottage Industries Balwantsinh Rajput, who unveiled the policy in Gandhinagar, said it will facilitate the creation of nearly 12 lakh jobs over five years. The new policy was introduced after the five-year validity of the previous scheme ended, an official release said. The New Cottage Policy 2024, which will remain in force for five years, aims to develop a self-sustaining cottage industry sector and open the doors of local and international markets for artisans, the minister said. Under the policy, the state will work towards the availability of credit and market support to artisans and focus on infrastructure, skill, technology upgrades and innovation, Rajput said. To encourage new industries and businesses, the state government has increased the maximum loan amount under this schem
The exemption dispensation from prior scrutiny and approval of CCI would be available for five years, the Corporate Affairs Ministry (MCA) said
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