Delhi Lieutenant Governor V K Saxena has ordered inquiries into Congress leader Sandeep Dikshit's allegations of snooping and large sums of cash being brought into the city from Punjab ahead of the next year's Assembly election. In a letter dated December 25, Dikshit flagged the alleged presence of intelligence personnel from the "Punjab Government" outside his residence in Delhi. He alleged that "official vehicles" associated with these personnel had been often seen outside his home, suggesting surveillance and intimidation. There was no immediate response available from the Aam Aadmi Party, which governs both Delhi and Punjab. Saxena has sought a report on the allegations within three days. In addition, Dikshit also accused the Punjab government of sending "large sums of cash" (in crores) to Delhi to influence voters ahead of the election. He said "private vehicles," often escorted by Punjab Police, were coming through Haryana and Rajasthan to Delhi. The LG office has ordered
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