2.7 per cent of rural children in Class I could not even recognise letters in their medium of instruction, and 35.7 per cent could not recognise numbers from 1-9
Try meeting her once and you'll understand why she's the brand that she is
A detailed design was developed and a silicone 3D printer helped them reach the basic form of their prototype
Poor resource allocation and swankier private competitors are two of the many reasons government schools are losing students rapidly
He denied the claims that teaching of English would have an adverse effect on the Kannada language
Indian School Leaders Institute, a Mumbai-based initiative, aims to motivate leaders to transform a failing institution into a successful one
Guarav Singh found his calling when he took up teaching and set up a foundation to improve the skills of school teachers
71% of children believed it's okay to be beaten up 'for a reason', having been taught its for 'their own good' and 'necessary'
Have the teachers too become victims of a flawed notion of nationalism?
Average scores in a math test of 31 questions were lowest in govt schools (30%) and highest in private schools (41%) in 2016