Antimicrobial resistance occurs when bacteria evolve and stop responding to drugs over time
Nobel-winning discoveries have direct applications
The click chemistry that won Morten Meldal, Barry Sharpless, and Carolyn Bertozzi this year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry is about making difficult processes easier. Click chemistry and bioorthogonal reactions -- which take place without disrupting the normal functioning of the cell -- have taken chemistry into the era of functionalism, bringing the greatest benefit to humankind. Sharpless from Scripps Research, US, and Meldal from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, laid the foundation for a functional form of chemistry in which molecular building blocks snap together quickly and efficiently. Bertozzi, from Stanford University, US, took this click chemistry to a new dimension and started utilising it in living organisms. Chemists have long been driven by the desire to build increasingly complicated molecules. In pharmaceutical research, this has often involved artificially recreating natural molecules with medicinal properties. This has led to many admirable molecular constructio
Candidates who had applied for admission can now check and download the provisional LBS rank list 2022 through the official website -
The last date for AIIMS INICET 2023 registrations is September 26, 2022
Eminent scientist Debiprosad Duari feels the academia, government and the press should come forward in sensitising people much more about India's achievements in the field of science and technology. Duari, who was associated with Kolkata's Birla Planetarium for over two decades, said one of the main objectives of the Centre's 'Technology Vision 2035' is to make people aware of their own potential and that of the country in terms of technological advancements. He said communicating with people in their language was key to disseminating information about scientific achievements, and instilling a sense of well-being and euphoria in them. "I was a part of the education and technology sector under the 'Technology Vision 2035' and we have sat together and discussed various things for five-six years since 2012 when this was conceptualised. "The main focus of this initiative is to engage and create an environment by 2035 whereby people know the actual reality of developments in the scienti
Google marks Anna Mani's birthday by sharing a Google Doodle. Who was Anna Mani? What are her contributions to the country? Why is she famous? Read this article to know more
The country gained pace in scientific innovation after Independence
The announcement for the BITSAT result 2022 was posted on the official website on Tuesday. Candidates who appeared for the exam can check their scorecard on the website-
The scientists discovered the brine pool 1.7 kilometers beneath the surface of the Red Sea
"Don't let science suffer because of your 'Gabbar Singh Tax', Prime Minister. Roll back the GST on scientific equipments," the Congress leader said in a Facebook post on Monday.
Criticising GST hike on scientific equipments, P Chidambaram said government believes that all the scientific knowledge that we need can be gathered by gazing at the sky and re-imagining our past
Godrej Industries Limited and Associate Companies (GILAC) has submitted greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) for validation
Prabhakar was three when her family immigrated to the United States from Delhi
Physicists hope the resumption of collisions will help in their quest for so-called "dark matter" that lies beyond the visible universe.
Last week, scientists completed sequencing the human genome, the goal of a project that began in October 1990
The mission is also directed towards capacity development in marine biology which will provide job opportunities in Indian industries: Official
This year's theme is "integrated Approach in science and technology for Sustainable Future"
Eric Lander, President Biden's top science adviser, resigned Monday night after he acknowledged mistreating his subordinates
The central government will soon be setting up science museums across the nation to promote scientific temper